Financial and retirement planning guidance from the team at Evermont Wealth. Join President Brent Pasqua and CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professionals Matthew Theal and Joshua Winterswyk each show for helpful conversations about money, life, and retirement. Listen to this show and you'll be sure to have an excellent Retirement Plan Playbook.


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Ep 58: Amber Storms Interview

We invite Amber Storms of Collaborative Tax Partners to the podcast this week. Amber is an enrolled agent, which is the highest credential that is awarded by the IRS. She is passionate about helping her clients navigate through the complex and ever-changing tax landscape. Brent, Matthew, and Joshua discuss common mistakes Amber sees in her practice, collaborative tax planning, and some considerations to keep in mind as we approach the end of the year.

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Podcast Podcast

Ep 57: Cash Management For Inflation

We have been feeling the effects of inflation over the past year and this topic of conversation is quickly becoming a top concern. Brent, Matthew, and Joshua talk about some of the factors that have contributed to the rise of inflation and some of their favorite cash management strategies to protect against this risk.

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Podcast Podcast

Ep 56: Q3 Review

Quarter three just wrapped up and the numbers are in. Brent, Matthew, and Joshua discuss reasons for the slight pullback and some newsworthy items to be aware of as we head into the last quarter of the year.

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Podcast Podcast

Ep 55: Biden’s Tax Proposal

Joe Biden’s tax proposal has made its way to the House for discussion and there have been many changes made from the original plan. Brent, Matthew, and Joshua will discuss the key items that are in this proposal and who will be impacted by these possible changes.

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Podcast Podcast

Ep 54: Review Your Investments

We have witnessed the S&P 500 continue to rise over the past few years and now retirement accounts are at all-time highs right now. But we should take a step back to review the investments every so often to see if there are other opportunities we can take advantage of. Brent, Matthew, and Joshua discuss the importance of knowing what your goals for your investments are and how knowing this information can help you make more specific customizations in your plan.

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Podcast Podcast

Ep 53: State Tax Strategies

Your lifestyle and financial situation can be drastically impacted by what state you reside in during retirement. Brent, Matthew, and Joshua will compare and contrast the tax laws of California with the laws of states that many people choose to move to after they retire, and will help you financially prepare for moving out-of-state.

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Podcast Podcast

Ep 52: Second Quarter Review

On today's show, Brent, Matthew and Joshua will review highlights from the second quarter, some factors that might affect the market down the road, and how these numbers correlate to the current health of the U.S. economy.

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Podcast Podcast

Ep 51: Understanding Your Risk Tolerance

One of the most important factors in a financial plan is the amount of risk you have in your portfolio. This factor varies from person to person, so it's vital to get your risk tolerance and capacity customized to your wants and needs and not just thrown into a one-size-fits all plan. Brent., Matthew, and Joshua talk about the considerations they go through when determining someone's risk tolerance and how this may change as you get closer to retirement.

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Podcast Podcast

Ep 49: How To Invest $1,000,000

If you were to receive a lump sum of money right now, how would you invest it? This question can feel overwhelming to many people because of how many options there are. We hope to provide some clarity to this situation on today's show. Brent, Matthew, and Joshua discuss some proactive ways to invest a lump sum of money, and why age is such a big factor in this decision.

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Podcast Podcast

Ep 48: Inflation and Your Retirement Plan

The topic of inflation has been getting a lot of attention from the mainstream media lately. People are worried that inflation is going to continue to rise and skyrocket. As with any piece of news media, it's important that we take a step back and look at what's actually going on. Brent, Matthew, and Joshua will discuss the current inflation environment and if this issue should be a top concern right now.

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Podcast Podcast

Ep 46: Personal Wealth Destroyers

Building personal wealth can take a long time to do and making smart, financial choices can be difficult to carry out. On top of that, there are many products in the financial industry that can do more harm than good and can affect your personal wealth long term. Brent, Matthew, and Joshua discuss some potential wealth destroyers they have seen in their practice and offer a few strategies that might help you get out of these situations.

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Podcast Podcast

Ep 45: Strategies to Reduce Your Taxes

Many people are preparing their taxes right now, so we thought this would be a great opportunity to talk about some tax saving strategies you can possibly implement. On today's show, Brent, Matthew, and Joshua discuss the different ways you can be proactive in your tax planning and some of the lesser known strategies.

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Podcast Podcast

Ep 44: Are Index Funds a Good Investment?

One point that we reiterate on the podcast is the importance of being an informed investor and not a day-trader. One way to eliminate some of the guess work is by investing in an index fund. This investment tool is meant to mimic a financial market index such as the S&P 500. In other words, you will have a better idea on your expected rate of return and the amount of risk you are subjected to. Brent, Matthew, and Joshua talk about where you can get an index fund and why this investment is a great fit for many financial plans out there.

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Podcast Podcast

Ep 43: What Is A Bitcoin?

If you tune into any financial news, you have probably heard about cryptocurrencies, the most popular one being Bitcoin. Many people are interested in this novel investment because of how well it has been doing lately and they don't want to miss out. However, as with any popular topic, it can be difficult to filter through noisy opinions and find factual information. Brent, Matthew, and Joshua discuss what Bitcoin is, how it's being used, and why it's difficult to be regulated.

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Podcast Podcast

Ep 42: Retiring in a Strong Economy

If we take a look at the financial landscape right now, we see a thriving real estate market, a low interest rate environment, and a stock market that is continuing to rise. Though the pandemic caused major disruption in March of last year, the economy seems to be recovering well, which is an important thought to keep in mind if you plan on retiring soon. Brent, Matthew, and Joshua talk about the factors that have contributed to the economy's recovery, and some strategies you may be able to utilize under the current financial conditions.

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Podcast Podcast

Ep 41: GameStop, Reddit, and Your Retirement

You probably heard all about GameStop stock and buzzwords like short squeeze, Reddit’s WallStreetBets, and hedge funds the last week of January. But what really happened that had all of the financial media world stirred up and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ted Cruz actually agreeing about something? Brent, Matthew, and Joshua break down this multifaceted story and cover some key lessons that we can take away from these recent events.

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Ep 40: 5 Reasons To Get a Business Valuation

For many business owners, their business is the largest asset that they own and it's common that they sell their company to fund retirement. But many entrepreneurs don't even know what their business is actually worth and are unable to put a solid plan together without that information. Brent, Matthew, and Joshua discuss how a business valuation creates a clear picture to see where you are now and what steps you may need to take to reach a successful retirement.

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Podcast Podcast

Ep 39: Investment Lessons From 2020

As we kick off 2021, Brent, Matthew, and Joshua take a look back on the previous year and discuss some key investment lessons that 2020 brought to their attention. The guys will discuss the importance of sticking to an investment philosophy, risk tolerance, being flexible with your investments, and much more.

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