Ep 53: State Tax Strategies

The X's & O's

Your lifestyle and financial situation can be drastically impacted by what state you reside in during retirement. Brent, Matthew, and Joshua will compare and contrast the tax laws of California with the laws of states that many people choose to move to after they retire, and will help you financially prepare for moving out-of-state.

The Hosts:

Brent Pasqua, Matthew Theal and Joshua Winterswyk



Brent Pasqua: Welcome in. It’s the Retirement Plan Playbook. We’re back in the studio. We’re bringing a very important topic, I think, today as we’re going to talk about some of the strategies of moving to a new state. It’s a topic that a lot of people have questions on right now. We’re going to stick to the financial side of it though, and discuss, is it even possible for some people? And how would you do it? I’m your host, Brent Pasqua, founder of RPA Wealth Management. I’m here with Matthew Theal, certified financial planner. Joshua Winterswyk, certified financial planner. Before we jump into it, though, have you guys been watching the Olympics?

Matthew Theal: I put it on, but I’ve had a massive headache trying to figure out if they’re live or not. That has been bugging me and then they jump around. It’s been a pretty awful experience for me.

Brent Pasqua: You can’t look in the little top right corner where it says live? There’s no live button up there?

Matthew Theal: Well, I know that now, but I didn’t for a week and a half.

Joshua Winterswyk: I’m mixed on that. I know they’re struggling because of the time difference. But I would agree, there’s not this TV Guide, going back to the old days of a TV Guide, telling you what’s on at what time, what’s live and what not. I’ve been watching it, too. I’ve enjoyed my favorite events that I normally watch. But the time difference is tough, because some of the events that I wanted to see aren’t live when I’m watching them. They’re the replays. And I even tried to figure out online how to know what’s going to be coming up and how to watch ahead. Everything on the websites look super confusing to me. I couldn’t figure it out. In five or 10 minutes I was just done with it.

Brent Pasqua: Yeah, no, totally. Let’s get into the hot take headlines. Sticking with that topic, NBC’s Summer Olympics ratings are really in a free fall. TV audience for the Summer Olympics is down a whopping 45% from the Rio games in 2016. And viewership and prime time is even worse down 51%. That being said, NBC reported that its Peacock service is seeing strong viewership. According to them, yours had streamed 3 billion minutes of Olympic coverage across NBColympics.com. The NBC Sports app and its Peacock streaming services. Moreover, NBC said that a number is pacing to surpass Rio Olympics total in the next few days. I mean, what are you thinking?

Matthew Theal: I’m happy that half of America is agreeing with how I’m feeling in that this Olympics has been awful and they’re not tuning in. I think it’s really interesting, though, because what NBC is doing, and what they did with the most popular sports, is they didn’t put them on TV. The most popular Olympic sport is the gymnastics, right? And for some reason the gymnastics was starting in the wee hours of the morning. It was starting at 2:00, 3:00, 4:00 AM on the west coast, and it was never on TV. You could stay up that late, but you wouldn’t watch it. You had to go to the Peacock service to watch it. So they basically pay walled the most popular event.

Brent Pasqua: And that’s what I didn’t understand. I understand it’s more than just us, USA, watching it, but it was weird that we got to watch swimming live, and that was probably the best part of the Olympics. But then gymnastics, we couldn’t watch. And then now you have social media. You already knew what happened.

Joshua Winterswyk: Well, even USA basketball, which is really popular here in the states viewers wise, was on the NBC streaming service. Matt and I talked about this. I get that they’re trying to promote their streaming service, but this is the world’s games. Why aren’t the most popular events on national TV for us to see here in the United States? And that turned me off, too. You’re watching your normal Channel Four TV, and now I have to purchase Peacock to view my favorite event. Look at what’s happening. Viewership’s down. A lot of people don’t want to do that. I’ve even noticed that I didn’t want to do that. So I’m sure a lot of Americans didn’t, either.

Matthew Theal: Yeah. The whole streaming app thing is quite weird. I don’t know why NBC thinks they’re Netflix or Disney. They’re not, they’re NBC. We all know them as Channel Four. And they should be putting all of their good content on Channel Four. And they should be selling their popular shows, like Friends and The Office. Do they have Friends? They might not. They should be selling The Office and Parks And Rec to Netflix and other streaming services for them to put on it, because they’re not a streaming service.

Brent Pasqua: Do viewership in other countries have to stream the same way, or is there the way that they bring it to their audience completely different?

Joshua Winterswyk: Let’s just use the UK as an example. Sky Sports has the Olympics. So it’s not even NBC in the UK that has that, right? So they have their own actual network of Sky Sports that’s broadcasting it. And from what I’ve heard, just through a few friends that either have lived in the UK or live in the UK, said that their primary focus is just on Great Britain and that’s all of their coverage, because that’s what the people want to see. So it is a little bit different than here. They’re really just broadcasting the events that their athletes are in. So a different coverage. But they said that you can see it, it’s not a streaming service, from what I understand.

Brent Pasqua: How much luster’s lost to you to not watch things live when you can find out in Twitter what’s already happened? And then who wants to go back and rewatch it?

Matthew Theal: All of the luster’s lost. They completely ruined the Olympics this year, in my opinion.

Brent Pasqua: Is part of it because of social media? Because this isn’t the first time we’ve had a big time difference with the Olympics, either.

Matthew Theal: It’s because they didn’t show the things that we wanted to watch in prime time.

Brent Pasqua: Sure. Okay. That’s fair.

Matthew Theal: I’m fine. My wife wanted to watch the gymnastics. I have fun… I think everyone has fun and watching the USA gymnastics team. They never put that on in prime time. We knew the results when we woke up, when our alarms went off at 5:30 or 6:00 AM. We knew the results, and then it was never televised again. I mean, that’s on them.

Brent Pasqua: The only thing I watched the entire time was swim, and I thought swimming was outstanding.

Matthew Theal: Yeah. Katie Ledecky, she’s great.

Brent Pasqua: Yeah. But it was the only live thing really that they had streaming, except a little track here and there.

Joshua Winterswyk: Yeah. Swimming was good. I also watched the fun round, the golf tournament. That was on live at night, but I think that was also on Peacock.

Matthew Theal: I watched that, too, though. That was cool.

Brent Pasqua: All right. Let’s get into the next one. US sets electric vehicle sales goal of 50% by 2030. That’s what they’re establishing as the goal. President Biden signed an executive order setting a target for electric vehicles. Hydrogen fuel cell and plug-in hybrid vehicles to make up 50% of US sales by 2030. Is something like this possible?

Matthew Theal: Most likely not. It’s interesting. They had all the automakers up there as he was signing this, and they said, “It’s not possible unless there’s government funding or incentives for people to buy these cars.” Look, I’m a plug-in hybrid driver. I like it. I think that’s the best electric slash gas way to get the majority of people away from gas only. It’s a really great car. I run out of gas, my electricity kicks in. I run out of electricity, my gas kicks in. I’ve done both multiple times. I mean, when you think about how much these cars actually cost, because getting an electric car is about four to five grand more than getting just a gas one, what’s the incentive for consumers?

Joshua Winterswyk: I think that… Is it possible to answer your question? It’s a tall task, but I think that it can lead to some good innovation, right? Getting these automakers together for this emissions goal and pushing for electric cars. I also drive a hybrid, which I love. So even more innovation are making these more efficient, just from that take, is a positive in my eyes. Pushing these automakers to continue to invest in more efficient vehicles and that are better for our environment. Because it seems like you’re not going to have to have a Tesla to have these features anymore. It seems like mostly all auto makers are making a car that could be dual, so you don’t have to have 100% gas, you don’t have to have 100% electric, but you could be somewhere in the middle and that’s probably going to be very helpful, I would think.

Matthew Theal: Yeah, I think that’s the best answer. And I wish that the government would push more. One on the major reasons why I bought my car was they had really great tax credits. I know we talked about this on a previous podcast, that tax credit is one of the most powerful tax reduction strategies you could use. So that’s why I bought my electric car. I wanted that big tax credit.

Joshua Winterswyk: And hopefully those continue. Even in the article they had mentioned, or the auto makers mentioned, that this administration said that even more tax incentive was going to be part of this goal or deal. So hopefully we continue to see that and give some initiative for this big change.

Brent Pasqua: Yeah. I don’t know if you guys have noticed. Gas is super expensive right now. It seems very expensive to fill up your car.

Matthew Theal: Yeah, it’s very expensive. I keep seeing all the 80, 100, $90 left on the tank when you pull it. And then I fill up my Prius and it’s $35 and I laugh.

Brent Pasqua: Yeah, it’s smart. It’s a good way to save money. All right, let’s get in the retirement planning corner. One question that we’re constantly being asked is: What is the best state for a person to move to in retirement? And the answer usually comes down to preference, but we, based on our geographic location, have noticed that a lot of clients have moved to Nevada, Texas, Arizona, Idaho, Utah, and a lot of the surrounding states. And today I don’t think we should get into what are the pros and cons of moving to that state, but I think we should more consider about financially how it would impact you if you move to one of these states. One of those important areas, though, I think we can get into is cashflow. And if you do move to one of these states, how will your cashflow be impacted monthly? And can you really save a lot of money by moving to a different state?

Matthew Theal: This is a great question. When you are thinking about moving to another state, this is probably where you should start your analysis. What most people do is they say, “Hey, I’m sick of paying California state taxes,” but they don’t know how much state tax they’re actually paying. Maybe it’s $5,000, maybe it’s $10,000. Maybe they’re only paying a couple of thousand dollars in state tax or none. But the one thing that most people fail to realize when I talked to them is they’re not thinking about property tax, right? So they’re going to sell their home in California… Is it Prop 15? Is that what it’s called here in California?

Joshua Winterswyk: I’m not sure on the prop, but I’ll look that up.

Matthew Theal: The property tax prop is on the ballot every year to get rid of because they want to raise the property taxes. But most people are grandfathered into that program have had their home for awhile. When they move to new states, they have higher property tax rates than we have here in California, almost every state does. So you’re going to be paying more for that property that you’re buying. And Texas is one of those states, especially.

Joshua Winterswyk: Prop 19.

Matthew Theal: Prop 19.

Joshua Winterswyk: I think.

Matthew Theal: Good correction.

Brent Pasqua: I guess, too, one of my questions and thoughts are when it comes to this is: How many people really know what they are paying in state tax, without it just being a we know we’re paying a lot in California, but we don’t know what that dollar amount actually is?

Joshua Winterswyk: That’s a great question. And even when you get your taxes done, I mean, you guys could probably attest to this too, but the primary focus when you’re getting your taxes done is on that federal 1040 form. So that state tax isn’t jumping out to you anyways. So answering that question, you’re going to have to dig a little bit deeper to understand. And I feel like even when you meet with tax preparers, that isn’t the first conversation you’re having. It might not even be a conversation just besides if you’re getting a refund or you have to owe. So just a really good start there of making sure you understand exactly how much you are paying.

Matthew Theal: The other thing to consider is how much the cost of goods in that state. One example here in California, it’s pretty dense, right? We could hop in our cars and be in a shopping center with a Target, a McDonald’s, a grocery store probably in under five minutes. We don’t have to drive that far, it’s a couple of miles. But in some of these other states where people are moving to, they’re more spread out and there might only be one shopping center, or you might have to drive 30 miles to another town to get to a specific store. Now, you’re wasting a little bit more time. Sure, gas prices might be 20 cents lower than here in California, but you’re burning more gas now driving 20, 30 miles to the store.

Joshua Winterswyk: Well, you have electric vehicle now.

Matthew Theal: Oh, that’s true.

Brent Pasqua: And then what will you lose in state specific benefits if you do move?

Matthew Theal: So this is a good one. I mean, you could be on some kind of state specific social benefits plan. The big one here in California, we have CalPERS and CalSTRS. You should probably look into how that’s going to affect your benefit. Will you still be taxed on it? I believe the answer is yes, you still will be taxed on it. So it’s probably really not worth it for you to move to another state if you’re happy here in California.

Joshua Winterswyk: Right. You’ll pay taxes in the state that you’re in based on your pension. You don’t have to pay California taxes on a California pension. You’ll pay it based on your state. But I think it’s important, you can reduce the amount of taxes that you can pay if you are living in another state.

Brent Pasqua: But there’s also a lot of tools out there now, and especially with this technology and the internet, for you to even project that tax in that other state. Or even, now we’re opening the conversation of meeting with whoever’s preparing your taxes to analyze that as well. Because, again, you don’t want to sacrifice any benefits, and knowing what those tax differences are just going to make that decision even better, or more efficient.

Joshua Winterswyk: Yeah, I think before making a decision, because moving is a big decision. And where you’re moving to is obviously going to be important part of that. And that could be you’re either moving away from family or you’re moving to family, but if it’s a financial decision that you’re making you probably want to know what that dollar figure is. And you have to dig a little deeper than just assume you’re going to be saving that much money.

Brent Pasqua: Yeah, absolutely.

Joshua Winterswyk: And also just on that what you might be losing is understanding what your property rights are actually going to be in that other state. So in California we have community property rights. And what are the rights in the other state that you’re moving into? So this is just another question that you have to answer. Before you move, you want to make sure you’re not sacrificing anything by moving, even with the property you already own.

Brent Pasqua: That makes sense. I think if we get into something also a little bit more complicated with it, it’s really establishing domicile. Can you explain what that is and why it’s important?

Matthew Theal: Yeah. So I’ll take a crack at the definition. So domicile is essentially where your permanent residence is. It’s where you establish your home base. And the way they look at it is, it’s where you intend to remain and return to when you go out of town. You can only have one legal domicile. You can’t have my domicile be in California and Nevada, you have to pick one. And what I found while I was doing my research that was really interesting about this, is the definition of domicile actually varies by state. So you need to check with the state you’re moving to to see how you claim domicile in said state.

Matthew Theal: The other thing though, too, is domicile determines what your state tax laws apply to you, not only for income, but also for a state tax. So you need to think about that as well. You most likely have a trust set up in California if you live here. You need to consider the estate tax laws of the new state you’re going to. Some states have small thresholds where when you pass away your state will have to pay taxes. It’s not like California.

Matthew Theal: The next thing is the state in which you claim domicile will be your residency state. So that’s where you live. That’s where you need to have all your bills sent. That’s where your medical doctors need to be. And if you do this wrong and you’re going back and forth between states, you could actually end up triggering residency in both states. And in that case, you might have to pay not only state taxes in the state of California, but also in Utah or Idaho, whichever state you pick as your secondary state. So I know that was a lot. I know I’ve been talking for a while, but this is a very complex topic.

Brent Pasqua: But it doesn’t just pertain to states that have no state tax. This pertains, regardless of any state you move to, you need to know that these things.

Matthew Theal: Yes, exactly. If you move to Texas, but you’re still doing things in California a little bit half the time, it’s very possible that you might end up triggering the residency rule in California and have to owe California state taxes, even though you live in Texas.

Brent Pasqua: So basically, you have to make sure you prove where your home actually is?

Matthew Theal: Yes.

Brent Pasqua: And there are tons of criteria. States can differ in that criteria. And you don’t want to raise any red flags to trigger any questioning of where your actual home is?

Matthew Theal: Correct. Correct.

Brent Pasqua: I guess why that could be problematic is, if you don’t establish correctly you could be paying that very high property tax in Texas and paying that very high income tax in California.

Matthew Theal: Yeah, exactly. You could absolutely do that.

Brent Pasqua: It’s a good reason to dig deeper, and not to just assume that you’re going to be making a decision that’s going to save you a bunch of money.

Matthew Theal: Absolutely. I think it’s just a really good point and a really good factor that you have to take into account and make sure you understand before you make that decision to move.

Brent Pasqua: When we’re talking about owning multiple properties, what should you do if you’re a part-time resident of another state?

Joshua Winterswyk: You have to understand the laws of how this can complicate that legal domicile that we just talked about. Let’s just say that you do have a house in California and a vacation house in Nevada. We just talked so much about domicile, how that can be confusing, how that also can be very specific, and there’s criteria that you have to meet to making sure that you’re proving that your domiciles state is met. So you really have to take the steps to identify where your domicile is, track the time you’ve spent in each state as well, and making sure you’re just keeping really good records so that if an audit does come about, or there is question about where your domiciles state is, you can prove where that home actually is.

Matthew Theal: Yeah. When you get that second home, if you plan on keeping maybe a place in California and having a nice home in the new state, you’re just adding complexity to an already semi-complex situation. So it’s like a Rich man’s benefit, right? It’s a good problem to have, but also you’re just adding complexity to your situation by owning multiple properties in multiple states.

Brent Pasqua: I’ve heard so many people say, and this isn’t taken from clients. Its just people’s chatter about how they would manage it if they had, let’s say, a property in a no state tax on how they would have someone either go flip on the utilities in the house to make it look like they’re there, or they’ll have a burner phone in the house to make it look like they’re there. The IRS doesn’t mess around with this. And it doesn’t seem like something that would be very smart to be messing around with.

Matthew Theal: Yeah. I mean, that’s all fun and games and jokes, but yeah, IRS doesn’t mess around. I doubt you’re going to get away with it.

Brent Pasqua: And is that risk even worth the reward?

Matthew Theal: Right.

Brent Pasqua: I mean, that goes back to even understanding the cash flow decision and what you’re actually paying in taxes, and analyzing that. Because doing all of that and taking those steps, even your time, is it worth your time to do that and potentially getting caught, and then facing those consequences? In most cases I would probably assume no.

Matthew Theal: Yeah. I think it’s maybe fun for people to come up with in theory, until you actually start really starting to think about it and the consequences that can come from it. It’s probably not something I would recommend.

Brent Pasqua: No, not really messing around with the IRS with that. What is a ancillary probate?

Matthew Theal: So ancillary probate is an additional probate process that happens when you die and own property in another state. So let’s give an example. Let’s say, we’ll go back to the Texas. You own a property in Texas, and a property in California. Texas is your legal domicile. Well, when you pass away, if it’s not set up properly in your trust, your California home is going to go into ancillary probate. So again, you’re going to have to update your trust when you move to another state to make sure it’s set up to avoid ancillary probate.

Brent Pasqua: I think this is something a lot of people forget as well, and they don’t realize that it gets super complicated with your state and your estate plan if you have properties in multiple different states and making sure that those properties are actually up to date inside of your trust.

Joshua Winterswyk: That was exactly my thought, too. This is just another thing that could potentially complicate what seems like an easy move to another state or owning property in two different states. But another step that you had to make sure that you’ve taken care of.

Matthew Theal: Yeah. It’s funny because if you set up properly, that’s where we’re going, this is complex, you’re going to have to pay some professionals to set this up properly to make sure your trust is in line, make sure your tax plan is correct. You’re probably going to pay more in professional fees than you pay in California state tax fees on an annual basis just based on the fact that most people who are listening to this are retired and they’re probably not paying that much in California state taxes anyways.

Joshua Winterswyk: Mm-hmm (affirmative). Good point.

Brent Pasqua: Yeah. And then if people with high net worth, these are costly things to keep up to date. I mean, your estate plan is probably getting reviewed and updated. Every year your taxes are being done by a CPA. You’re having multiple returns done. This isn’t something that’s very easy to do.

Joshua Winterswyk: No. And even if a property has to change titles, there’s other fees for that. So it is a very complex process and could be a very costly process.

Brent Pasqua: What should you update as far as your records go?

Matthew Theal: You should most likely notify all the important government agencies. So I’m just going to read off a list here. We’ve got the USPS, IRS, that’s an important one. That’s the theme of the show, make sure the tax man knows where you are. All your financial institutions, so that’s the people who have your 401K, your IRAs, your brokerage statements, your bank account, your credit cards, your auto loan, all of that should be updated with your new address. Don’t forget to let social security know where you are, because they’re sending your check. And then the Medicare, VA and federal student loans, if you have any of those or qualify. But yeah, pretty much every institution that is important, I would let them know where you are and where you’re living and change those addresses on those bills.

Brent Pasqua: Amazon?

Matthew Theal: Yeah. I mean, Amazon will probably find you.

Brent Pasqua: They’ll still show up at your door?

Matthew Theal: Yeah. They’ll figure out a way to find you. They got those trackers in the Alexas.

Brent Pasqua: I imagine that the IRS is like, where are all these packages going? That’s how we’re going to find them.

Matthew Theal: Yeah.

Brent Pasqua: What should you do with your estate plan?

Joshua Winterswyk: Well, if you are moving and you do have an existing estate planner, here’s a good reminder. If you don’t have one at all, you probably need to get one. But if you do have one and you’re moving to a new state, it’s probably best to get that trust reviewed. You want it to be updated to the actual law that is abided by in the state that you’re actually moving to. So now is just a good time if you’re thinking about that, to meet with that estate planning attorney, reviewing your living trust and all of your estate documents. Because those laws in the state that you could move to could be different than the state you actually live in. So, again, you need to be taking the step hiring the professional to making sure that that is updated and it’s abiding by all of the law in the new state that you’re potentially moving to.

Matthew Theal: Yeah. I have one takeaway from the show, and I’m sure Brent and Josh, you guys would agree with me because we all have many clients who have left the state and moved to other states. And I know we’re making this sound probably a little bit more complex than it is. It is a complex process. We just want everyone to do it right. But the one thing is, if you’re not happy in California… Most people we find when they move out of the state are fairly happy, right? They seem to be very happy in their retirement in their new state. So from that angle, it’s probably worth it.

Brent Pasqua: Yeah. I would agree with that. Especially if your family moved there, right?

Matthew Theal: Yeah. If your family moved there. Or for some reason you don’t need to even live in California anymore because maybe your family is far away, or it’s not very big, or you have a job in California anymore. Probably no reason to be here.

Brent Pasqua: That is a good just looking back observation is that, even what I’m seeing, a lot of parents are moving out of state, even children are following, or even vice versa. So the whole family is transplanting to that new state and they’re finding happiness, because they’re staying with their family and stuff like that. So we’ve seen that very commonly lately. Yeah. There are complexities to it. There’s time that has to go into it, but it’s not impossible. For a lot of people it can be worth the time. I think you got to know how much it’s worth. For everybody that I work with that has done this, they do it the right way. They’re not trying to hide their way through different locations. They’re actually living there. They stay there and they do their time in that state. And then they’re able to come back. They manage the seasons, right? Winter time, they’re in one state. Or summertime, they’re in other.

Brent Pasqua: One of the ways I think that we have helped a lot of clients in steps we take to help them find out the answer to this, whether or not it’s worth it or not, is as we built out their financial plan… In the financial plan, we can do a comparison, what the benefits would be and the potential tax savings would be if they do move to another state. And in that time they could really determine from a financial benefit, is this worth exploring more? If the answer to that is yes, then the next steps we take is let’s bring the CPA into the meeting, let’s bring the attorney into the meeting, let’s bring your whole team in, and let’s talk about this in a little bit more depth than what it would require what the costs are going to be. And then a real decision can be made once you gather all the facts.

Joshua Winterswyk: Yeah, no, that’s just a really good summary of how proper planning can really just make this process even more efficient and legal.

Brent Pasqua: Yeah. But if you’re paying 5,000 to 7,000 or $10,000 in state tax… I don’t know. It seems like there’s a lot more costs that are going to come up from moving to another state.

Matthew Theal: Yeah. It’s probably going to be more of a wash. So at the end of the day, like I said, it comes down to happiness. Where do you want to be? Where do you want to live?

Brent Pasqua: Absolutely. Happiness is a key. All right. Let’s kick up.One of the things that makes me happy, and that’s RPA recommends. Who wants to get us started today?

Matthew Theal: I’ll get it started, but I’m going to point this at Josh. Josh, have you done the golf gloves, the Asher ones, yet?

Joshua Winterswyk: The Asher golf gloves?

Matthew Theal: Yeah.

Joshua Winterswyk: Yes, I have.

Matthew Theal: Oh, you have? Oh man. Well-

Joshua Winterswyk: I’m pretty sure I’m the one who told you about them, but-

Matthew Theal: You did. But I didn’t know if you talked about them on the show though yet.

Joshua Winterswyk: Oh, oh, did I talk about them? No, I don’t think so.

Matthew Theal: Well, I know a lot of our listeners play golf and they talk with Josh and I about our golf game. And Josh recommended I try these gloves that are online called Asher, A-S-H-E-R. They’re great gloves. I don’t think I’ll ever buy another brand’s golf gloves again.

Joshua Winterswyk: Yeah. They’re nice. I think they’re based out of Colorado. They just make really cool craft golf gear. So if you’re looking for something a little different, I highly recommend them to you. I use their golf gloves. Matt, I’ll see you with your new Asher glove hopefully on Sunday.

Matthew Theal: Yeah. You definitely will.

Joshua Winterswyk: I’m going to go a little different. So air purifiers have gained tons of popularity over the last couple of years.

Matthew Theal: Why would that be?

Joshua Winterswyk: Yeah. Yeah. Right? So they’re coming out with even new features and a lot of good benefits. Clean air, helps with even allergies, potentially even helps clean viruses and bacteria out of the air. So not a bad thing for air purifiers. RPA wanted to purchase some new ones. So Matt and I did some research and we bought some Blue air purifiers. Pretty cool. Would you guys recommend them?

Brent Pasqua: Yeah. We have it going right now in the conference room. So I can clear out the COVID from either one of you.

Matthew Theal: It’s green right now, but true story. One of us sneezed in the office, I won’t name, the other day. And I noticed I walked into the common space and the Blue Wave was yellow, which means there’s toxins in the air and it’s cleaning it. And that happened probably about five minutes after that person sneezed.

Joshua Winterswyk: Was it me?

Matthew Theal: No. You weren’t in the office at that time.

Joshua Winterswyk: I just want to know. Now we’re down to two. What’s really cool about them, though, the tech on them is really nice. They’re actually showing you through a light system how clean the air is. And they even have an app that’ll tell you how long it’s going to take for these machines to clean the airspace. So it’d be like 29 minutes until the air’s completely cleaned in that room. So just pretty cool. Pretty cool devices.

Matthew Theal: And then another person, I won’t again mention names, who sprays Lysol. And then the thing just almost breaks. It just goes red when that happens.

Joshua Winterswyk: It beeps.

Brent Pasqua: One of my joys is walking around the office spraying Lysol. This was even pre COVID. And then now we have these machines, so now every time I walk around the office spraying Lysol I see these machines start to go nuts. Now you’re getting even more entertainment from spraying Lysol around the office.

Joshua Winterswyk: So if you come in check them out. They’re pretty cool. But yeah, that’s pretty funny when Brent goes and starts spraying that bottle.

Brent Pasqua: I wear a mask while I spray the Lysol because I don’t want to breathe that stuff in, but for everybody else in the office it’s fine for you guys to be breathing it. All right. So I’ll get into the RPA recommends for myself. I’m going to do a place that I think I probably mentioned a long time ago when we first kicked off the show. It’s one of my favorite lunch spots or dinner spots. One of my favorite restaurants here in Southern California. The Mexican place that I favorite any chance I get is Javier’s. I went there this last weekend in Newport. It was outstanding. They built a whole area outside. It’s absolutely beautiful out there. Weather is good in Southern California right now. If you’re more towards the ocean, it’s even cooler. I recommend if you want to take your spouse on a nice date or you’re going to take your family out, check it out, go have some nice Mexican food. It’s outstanding. It’s not cheap, but it’s a nice place to go.

Joshua Winterswyk: I love how Brent, when he talks about Javier’s, it puts a little twinkle in his eye. That’s his spot.

Matthew Theal: Yeah. I know we’ve been going long on the show, but I want to get out this weekend. Maybe, do you want to go down to Javier’s?

Brent Pasqua: Hey, I’m always open.

Matthew Theal: You’re selling me. I’m going down to Newport.

Brent Pasqua: I’m always open. If there’s one company, I know we’ve mentioned a few that potentially sponsor this podcast, I think Javier’s is up on that list. At least we just get a free meal or something. All right. So as advisors, we love helping people. That’s why we do it. If you have more questions about moving out of state, reach out to us, we’ll sit down and talk to you about it. If you’d like to schedule an appointment with any of us you can go to RPAwealth.com and schedule a complimentary consultation. If you’d like to download our ebook, feel free to do that. For our show notes, you can go to retirementplanplaybook.com. But as always, we love having you listening. So thank you.

Joshua Winterswyk: Thank you, guys.

Matthew Theal: Thank you.

Announcer: RPA Wealth Management is a state registered investment advisor located in Rancho Cucamonga, California. Registration does not imply a certain level of skill or training. RPA Wealth Management may only transact business in those states and jurisdictions in which it is registered or qualifies for an exemption or exclusion from registration requirements. A copy of RPA Wealth Management’s current disclosure statement form ADV part one containing RPA Wealth Management’s business operations, services and fees is available by accessing the SCCs investment advisor public disclosure website. RPA wealth management will provide form ADV part 2A firm brochure, and 2B brochure supplement to interested parties upon request. Information provided on this podcast should not be construed as a solicitation or offer or recommendation to acquire or dispose of any investment, or engage in any other transaction. RPA Wealth Management does not render or offer to render personal investment advice or financial planning advice through its podcast. RPA Wealth Management podcasts are intended for information and educational purposes only.


Ep 54: Review Your Investments


Ep 52: Second Quarter Review