Ep. 118: The Nervous Economy—What’s Driving Market Uncertainty in 2025?
The X's and O's
In this episode of the Retirement Plan Playbook, Matthew Theal and Joshua Winterswyk break down the biggest financial concerns shaping 2025. With economic shifts, political changes, and market volatility, investors are growing increasingly nervous—so what does it all mean for your portfolio and retirement plan?
Here’s what we cover:
Stock market turbulence – Why are markets reacting so sharply to new policies?
Government spending cuts & layoffs – How is Washington impacting job security?
Social Security fraud uncovered – A shocking look at where taxpayer dollars are going
Recession fears & interest rate cuts – Is the Federal Reserve about to pivot?
AI’s role in the economy – Will automation create more job losses or new opportunities?
Plus, we discuss the importance of reassessing your investment strategy, how to prepare for uncertainty, and why now might be a great time to rebalance your portfolio.
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Welcome to the Retirement Plan Playbook hosted by Brent Pasqua, Matthew Theal, and Joshua Winterswyk of Evermont Wealth. This podcast dives deep into investment strategies, retirement planning, and current events, equipping you with the insights needed to craft a robust retirement playbook adaptable to any political or economic climate.
Join Brent, Matthew, and Joshua as they guide you through the complexities of retirement planning. Offering expert advice. to tackle challenges and the later stages of your journey. It's time to build your optimal retirement playbook. Now let's dive into today's episode.
Matthew: Josh, how are you doing today? Good morning. I'm doing well. How are you? I'm doing well. No Brent today. Good. It's a big week for him. It's a big week. Yeah, he's got a opening day for his little league, but also his kids are sick So they picked a bad week to get sick. So he's at home taking care of them.
Joshua: Yeah, it happens sometimes
Matthew: Yeah, I was sick last week. It got me last week.
Joshua: Yeah,
Matthew: you didn't want to admit you were sick, but you were sick Yeah, you know whenever I'm down and sick, I never like admitting it in the moment It's only after I'm sick that I realize I'm
Joshua: sick. I've been working with you long enough.
Joshua: No And we're in the same like wing of our building together that like I know when you're sick
Matthew: Well, it finally got to the point where I was going to be sick in front of a client So then I had to admit to myself I was sick because I didn't want to be sick and get the client sick
Joshua: I think for three days I was saying matt you're sick and you said no I wasn't
Matthew: Well, I mean day coil can cover it up really good
Joshua: You
Matthew: need to stop that.
Matthew: So what's new with you? What's going on? Nothing. Nothing's new? I heard you made a big purchase. Tell me about it. The listeners need to know this.
Joshua: Yeah. Yeah, I did. I finally pulled the trigger on some new golf irons. So for the non golfers out there, basically got some new golf clubs and it's been a long time since I've got new irons.
Joshua: I've actually only owned one pair of irons since I started playing golf and it was time. I think, you know, you've made fun of me. Cause I haven't gotten new irons up to this point, but I probably pulled the trigger.
Matthew: I think you're using like 10 to 12 year old technology.
Joshua: I am. Yeah. Yeah. So, you know, it's a big purchase though.
Joshua: It's the most expensive purchase in your golf bag. I don't know. Have you seen
Matthew: the cost of those drivers, man? It's still not those drivers are 600 bucks. All right. Well, so walk us through it. Did you just go to the store and pick some off the rack or did you like what happened?
Joshua: No. So usually like after like Christmas and my birthday is in January, usually get like, you know, some gifts and gift cards for the holidays and stuff.
Joshua: And that's my time to like, go buy like a new club. It's usually like in January, February. So I figured out it in every January, February, the golf companies basically release all of their new tech for the upcoming year at the beginning of the year. And then our local store golf galaxy has at the beginning of the year, like a free fitting demo of all of the new clubs.
Joshua: So you don't have to pay for it, which is cool. And I like saving
Matthew: money. And doing that means you go and you hit the clubs on a golf simulator that tells you how far you're hitting it.
Joshua: Tells you how far you're hitting it, how you're hitting it. They kind of size you making sure everything's kind of dialed in.
Joshua: First time I've done that for irons. I went down there, got fitted. And it's funny cause most of like the guys there are like young, they like play golf and like, I think like college and stuff. But he was cool. He, he fit me up. I kind of knew what I already wanted. I told him that. Also told him I don't have a bunch of time to practice and play because I have two young kids and he said these are The clubs for you.
Joshua: You're hitting them the best and I ordered them. They'll be here in two weeks. Got the Taylor maids nice you eyes Nice. Congratulations. Thank you. I'm very excited. Also a little nervous. So I've played but that's the only irons I've ever played Not gonna be playing him anymore.
Matthew: Oh, I'm happy for you. I've seen you play golf.
Matthew: You're a good golfer I think these new irons will only make you better when I got new irons my game improved a little bit like my shot was more consistent And I think we were actually playing on the same irons
Joshua: We were, we had the same irons before you got your new ones.
Matthew: Yeah. So there's just a big difference.
Matthew: I think you're going to enjoy it.
Joshua: I'm excited. I'm really, really excited. And then we're kind of like going to get them right before we start golfing a lot more. Yeah. Golf season's starting. Time's
Matthew: about to change. Yeah.
Joshua: So I'm glad you guys kind of pushed me to go get new irons. I'm glad I did. Excited for them to arrive.
Joshua: I'll give an update once I get them.
Matthew: Awesome. Yeah, I'm looking forward to that So we've got a big show today. There's a lot going on It seems like people are already getting a little bit frustrated with Trump's presidency. So we'll talk about that Stock market started going down over the last week. So we'll talk about that And then we'll talk about some recession fears that are that are creeping in That sound good.
Joshua: That sounds good to me, man
Matthew: So I first want to talk about did you see All of the fraud that was found in the social security system.
Joshua: Yes Eye opening are you let me ask you a question. I always like to ask this question. Are you surprised?
Matthew: Yeah, you are, you know I'm really surprised. I thought they had a better system to account for payments.
Matthew: Yeah, but okay, so I always wondered this so let listeners know what we're talking about so the The DOJ, the Department of Government Efficiency audited Social Security. And what they found out was there was 21 million Americans, or quote unquote, living Americans. That are over a hundred years old that we're collecting social security.
Joshua: That's an eye opener.
Matthew: Yeah. I mean, how many, cause how many hundred year olds are living in the whole world? There's not 21 million.
Joshua: No. Yeah. This is why this was big. Yeah.
Matthew: So these people are obviously collecting fraudulent social security checks.
Joshua: I get, you know, I asked you the question, like, are you surprised?
Joshua: I am a little surprised of how large this number is. But we do know there's a lot of fraud that goes on, right? Like even when you look at tax return fraud, and I'm not completely surprised that they're social security fraud, but I am happy that this is being uncovered because these are taxpayer dollars being
Matthew: wasted.
Matthew: So I remember when my grandparents passed away, my mom called like social security to stop the checks. And I was thinking, cause I was an advisor at the time when this happened, I was a new advisor, young advisor. I was thinking to myself, I wonder how many people actually call social security to stop the checks or just let the money keep rolling into the bank account and keep the bank account open and transfer the money that way to themselves.
Matthew: And I would imagine that's what's going on here. I
Joshua: think so. I don't know exactly how the process works though. When you record the death, right, or, you know, maybe you don't, and that's why this is happening, but when you do record it with the county and there's a death cert that's created, is Social Security alerted?
Matthew: If they are, I don't think so, because I know my mom had to call.
Joshua: So if you don't close out the bank account, you don't alert them. Well, what about the people who aren't even doing anything? But the person dying, but I think I have to do some more research on. I have to fact check this because I want to know now.
Joshua: I'm now I'm curious.
Matthew: Yeah. And the other interesting thing is, so what they did is they created this table where they broke it down by age. And actually the majority of people who are collecting social security are between ages 30 and 39. Which to me is interesting, because when I think of social security, I think of our clients.
Joshua: You think of retirement benefits. I
Matthew: think of retirement benefits. But that's not all that Americans are using social security for. They're also using like the disability portion of it. Correct.
Joshua: Yeah. It's a large number though.
Matthew: Right. And to me, I think that's a problem. And I think it's a framing problem and hopefully we could make some adjustments to the system and, you know, separate out the retirement benefit portion from the disability benefit portion.
Joshua: I think it would just be better from a transparency, you know, point of view, because really when you look at that chart, that's, again, that's where my mind goes, obviously we're financial planners and, you know, focus a lot on retirement, but when you look at the. Dispersion of this bar chart like how many are why is there so many young people collecting social security?
Joshua: But like to you said like what you said it's because of disability as well.
Matthew: Yeah, so it's almost like we need to okay here This is the disability portion, but the retirement portion is safe And if we ever need to do entitlement cuts, we're not taking away from the retirement portion We need to take away from the disability portion.
Joshua: That's a
Matthew: really good take.
Joshua: Yep,
Matthew: and it would just make it
Joshua: easier to audit
Matthew: Absolutely. Yeah, because I'm sure a lot of those disability
Joshua: claims are bogus Yes, how much is that being audited to a lot of dollars being
Matthew: wasted? Yeah, just wait till they get to Medicare
Joshua: so what we got next? Let's talk about the policy changes. There's a lot of
Matthew: them. Are you talking about what Trump is doing? Yep. Yeah, people are getting scared
Joshua: Yeah, it's it's just too much. We we had this conversation just you and I have three three or four weeks ago It's too much change too fast too much change too fast.
Joshua: It's hard to even keep up with it's like every day You log on to go fuck, you know read and something else has changed.
Matthew: Yeah No, I get I sympathize with people. I don't like change either However, this is what the American people voted for. You're right
Joshua: You are, you're definitely right. I think that Trump is doing what he said he was going to do, right?
Joshua: He's doing it just very quickly, which I think is making a lot of people nervous. But yeah, 77 million Americans voted for this change,
Matthew: right? And I think to me, I think the tariff thing was always kind of like you know, Oh, if it happens, it could crush the economy. Well, it hasn't really turned into anything yet.
Matthew: Right, and that's what people were scared of But I think what people didn't realize was that when they say they're gonna cut government spending and then cut jobs That means actual layoffs are happening. Mm hmm. I think that's what's scaring people.
Joshua: Yeah, absolutely You're disrupting a system though That for the most part, I feel like people were comfortable with.
Joshua: And when you see those layoffs, along with what's already been, you've been nervous about like the tariffs that you just mentioned, it's just creating even more uncertainty and that's making people scared.
Matthew: So I, I have a little different take on this and while I feel sad for anybody who ever loses a job, that's never a good thing.
Matthew: It's very scary. My wife's been laid off before. You know, we have lots of clients who have lost jobs. Family members have lost jobs. It's an unfortunate situation of, of, you know, living in a capitalist economy. However it's needed, companies are constantly doing five to 10 percent of staff turnover, usually annually.
Matthew: Why shouldn't the government to be doing that?
Joshua: Yeah. And it is with corporations. A lot of times it's very proactive. Right, you know, yes, there's the reactive layoffs and recessionary periods and stuff like that But we see every year that companies get thin Projected slower times they also ramp up right and do more hiring through times of growth Because we do know economies run on cycles and I think I will agree with you.
Joshua: You know, why wouldn't the government be managing it? Along those lines a little bit more,
Matthew: right?
Joshua: So, but it is unfortunate, you know, I, again, I do have compassion for anyone that was doing a really good job. And was working hard and to get laid off and especially at a time where we know we've been worried about inflation and cost of living increase.
Joshua: And so it is an unfortunate time. But at that being said, at some time, we have to do an audit of where our tax dollars are going, where these jobs are being placed, and there's going to be casualties to that.
Matthew: Yeah, it's tough all around. But I mean, it's necessary. We were paying too many people in this country.
Matthew: You have a debt problem. We do have, and we have to get spending under control. And this is one of the pillars to get spending under control.
Joshua: Yeah. And, and I don't even know, you know, spend spending is definitely one aspect to that, but I think another. Something to be more positive about. I think a lot of this has to do with being more efficient to actually help provide more growth in our company.
Joshua: Cause that's really, what's going to get us out of this debt situation. In my opinion, you know, it's not raising taxes. It's you can only cut so much spending, but it's really promoting even more growth. So if we can be more efficient and promote more growth, that's what I'm more optimistic about long term.
Matthew: Yeah. And in general, one school of economics thought is you shift people from the public sector to the private sector. And that could lead to more economic growth.
Joshua: Yep.
Matthew: And unfortunately to make that shift people, some people have to lose jobs, which is unfortunate.
Joshua: Here's my cue as a financial planner, though, losing your job, reach out to a financial planner.
Joshua: I don't, I feel like a lot of people don't think of that, but I think that's a really good. event for a lot of people. So if you are unfortunately getting laid off or transitioning, that's a perfect time to reassess your financial situation and reach out to a planner. So not to be too salesy on this, but I do think like as a, as a tip That's what people should be doing.
Matthew: So I think we kind of hit a turning point within the last week, week and a half where the stock market started paying attention to everything that is going on in Washington. And I think what it's happening is the market is now starting to price this in as a negative event, which is also most likely why people are getting a little bit nervous because the market has come down the last, you know, four to five days.
Matthew: Is it also
Joshua: just. There's just more uncertainty. So the more change, the more uncertainty market gets more nervous. Also think that the market, as you can tell, since really the beginning of the year, we've had a lot of bad Fridays, if you've noticed a terror Fridays. Okay. So the reasoning behind that. So if you're watching the market closely, you're like, Hey, portfolio is doing good Monday through Thursday.
Joshua: Then Friday it sells off every week, you know, these big institutions with. All of the changes, cause they're even happening on the weekend. Don't want to hold investments over the weekend. Yeah, that makes sense. And I know you've always had that take too, like in certain timeframes about holding stocks into the weekend, but I think it's even with all of the uncertainty going on, it's being, you know, the volumes increase because of what's going on politically.
Matthew: Yeah, yeah, absolutely. And so what I think is happening is the market's looking at, you know, there's federal spending cuts and the participants are like, Hey, this is actually bearish in the short term. And what this is when the government cuts spending, like our government is cutting spending, that's called austerity.
Matthew: And what this should do is help lower inflation. It'll lower economic growth and in turn, that's going to make stock prices a little bit lower. However, I think there's going to be a green light at the end of the tunnel. I think the fed's going to be all clear to cut interest rates now and cut them so that we make it on when we're coming out of this cycle, the housing recession will most likely end.
Matthew: Yeah, that makes sense. And we'll have lower mortgage rates going forward. And
Joshua: that's a line with what Trump campaigned on, which is he wants rates lower. He said that before he was elected, he said that after, and even now, and if that is true, and that plays out the way you just explained rates will come lower.
Matthew: Yeah. So I see this as kind of like the final medicine after COVID like suck, like the government put so much excess into the system during the Corona virus to keep the economy. Yeah. Alive that, you know, sucking out this last bit of government spending will be our kind of like our last medicine and we'll be able to move forward as a country.
Joshua: Now, do you see any threats with this plan?
Matthew: I think things always could get carried away to the downside. Meaning stocks might go a little bit down more than you expect. And maybe their sessions a little bit deeper than we could expect. One thing that has me concerned about. You know, recessionary people losing their jobs is with AI.
Matthew: We are so we could be so much more productive and we might not need as many workers in the future that we do today. You know, my
Joshua: take on that though,
Matthew: well, already talked about it last time we did, but workers then need time to go get retrained. They
Joshua: do
Matthew: and find different jobs. And that could take, you know, 18 to 24 months for someone to go find a new retrained job.
Matthew: So I think that's a risk to it. You know, stock markets, like if they're going down, they usually overshoot to the downside. And that's because people panic at the wrong time.
Joshua: And is everyone more nervous with all this being said, because we had two back to back years of 25 percent growth in the U S market?
Matthew: Probably. Cause I mean, I do think if you look at some valuation metrics, stocks are a little overvalued. So that makes people more nervous. However, I think, all I think this is, is a classic shakeout. And what that means is when the markets go up like a lot, like you mentioned we get a pullback to kind of take out the, take out some of the hot money or shake out the weak players,
Joshua: take out
Matthew: the garbage a little bit.
Matthew: Yeah, exactly. And like, you know, how long is the sell off going to last? I don't know, week or two, what's it going to be? Five, 10%.
Joshua: Yeah, but in this comes after we hit new all time highs, right? So we can't forget about that. Like I feel like our mind just goes if you have that recency biased of let's just focus on You know this last few days of a market downside, but this all happened right as we were hitting another all time high
Matthew: Yeah, we're still we're still within a few percentage points of an all time high.
Matthew: Yep. So I mean, I think the fundamentals are strong I think this is just short term market turbulence Stocks are reacting to everything going on in Washington at an uncertainty like you're saying and you know, this too will pass this shall pass
Joshua: I agree. I just always believed to Right now. I feel like it's even more.
Joshua: So people are a little bit nervous with all of the changes than we were even like six months ago. Now's a good time to reassess that portfolio then, right? Really take a look. If we were just talking about how we were close to all time highs, we had two good years of growth, a lot of uncertainty going forward.
Joshua: So if you're nervous, now's that time to dive deep into that portfolio and making sure it's aligned with what you believe going forward.
Matthew: Yeah, I agree. And then if you look to, if you think there's a recession coming. If you think the market's correct and starting to price in a little bit of recession and you think Trump is going to destroy the economy.
Matthew: Bonds are probably the best buy they've been in 20 years. It's probably time to load up on bonds. And if that's your, if that's your thesis.
Joshua: Yeah. If you're on that side of it. And again, you know, if you were heavily into stocks before you're doing it at a good time, you're selling high.
Matthew: Yeah.
Joshua: On the bond side, I mean, you could still
Matthew: get rates
Joshua: up to, you know, four and a half or higher.
Joshua: And we talked about that locking in your income for the next five years, you know, at four and a half percent, isn't a bad shake.
Matthew: Yeah. And if, if we do get a recession, that's interest rate cuts. That means bond, bond yields are going lower.
Joshua: Yeah, take a look at those portfolios if you're nervous.
Matthew: Yeah, but overall, I think there's some reasons to be excited.
Matthew: So, interest rate cuts I think we're setting up for those now. I think we'll get a few cuts, whereas two weeks ago, if you asked me that, I would have said no. No cuts this year.
Joshua: Yeah, and the Fed has said that they were potentially not cutting until the end of the year. Do you think that those cuts come sooner now with what you just said?
Matthew: I, I think they'll be cutting by June. By June, we'll get cuts. The government lowering spending is going to be good for the debt to GDP ratio ratio, which in turn should help us grow stronger as a country.
Joshua: I think the concern, if I'm playing the other side of this, the concern is all of these cuts. Are disrupting a system that was in place for a long time.
Joshua: And there might be some negative consequences to that. Now the system is broken. Okay. I hope you're
Matthew: right. We just, I am right. I just looked at the
Joshua: social, we just went through the social. No, I understand. But like layoffs agencies being cut, all of that. I'm not saying that this is what I believe. I'm just saying what also the contrary is seeing.
Joshua: Let's look at
Matthew: Facebook. So in 2022, Facebook stock dropped below a hundred dollars a share. The company had lost its way during COVID. Mark Zuckerberg was focused on something called the metaverse. I remember that video looked like cartoons and he started doing mass layoffs at the company. They refocused around AI.
Matthew: Sediment was down. Yeah. And now the stock's at all time highs. Yeah.
Joshua: No, no, it's true. Well,
Matthew: let's hopefully
Joshua: that
Matthew: plays out. There's girls on tick talks doing videos about how they make over 200, 000 a year and work for meta and they do nothing all day. And look at you now, you're going to buy
Joshua: Meta Ray Ban sunglasses.
Matthew: And there you go, those are cool. And then the final reason I think we have to stay excited about the market is AI. The smartest people I know are calling AI the fourth industrial revolution. And if you're looking at the stock market right now, the force of AI is going to be stronger than any president.
Joshua: I agree with that. I agree with your statement.
Matthew: And the Trump administration is very friendly on regulation and ai, so they're gonna allow American companies just to build the best AI products they possibly can with no regulation.
Joshua: And it's, it's kind of hard not to be bullish after we're so early in this AI cycle.
Joshua: It is still brand new. Like it's in its infant stages in my opinion. And it's already provided a lot of growth in a very uncertain time in America, politically, geopolitically. So I think that for me, that's why I'm optimistic on that future. And the growth of AI and for our markets and economy is because we're in just these beginning stages.
Matthew: The only people using AI are, are really the hobbyists right now. The, the new adopters, people try who like to try things out. It hasn't gone mainstream.
Joshua: Yeah. I asked the, it's my cocktail question. I ask everybody that I come across or me, are you using AI and how you're using it? And I'm just curious to know, and I've said this on our last podcast, but I'm surprised of how many people still aren't using it.
Joshua: And part of it from what I got from just my little survey that I do for my cocktail question is people don't know where to start. Chat GPT is a thing, but now there's multiple players. What do I even use? How do I use it? And it kind of almost is like. It's too complicated for me, but I feel like that was the internet, right?
Joshua: When it first came out, like people were almost, there was some fear about how it was to be used, didn't know how to use it. So that's why I'm also bullish because most people, in my opinion, aren't using it the way it should be used.
Matthew: Yeah, not at all. I don't even know if we've scratched the surface on how it's going to be used in the future.
Matthew: So anyways, look, I think we understand that it is scary out there with the new administration. I think he's going faster and further than anybody thought he would. However, there's reasons to be excited. And if stocks keep falling, that's going to be more of a buying opportunity. Totally. Not a reason to sell.
Matthew: You don't sell, you don't sell stocks when they're going down.
Joshua: Mm hmm.
Matthew: You sell them when they're going higher.
Joshua: And for the younger generation, like those are the periods that you're excited about, right? Yeah. I mean, you're in, you have a 401k, just to put that in context, you're contributing every two weeks, stocks are going down, you're buying in a lower price.
Joshua: Those are the opportunities. If you keep that strategy that are going to take you to financial success.
Matthew: Yeah. If you're, you know, under 60, you're not retired yet. You should be, you should be cheering for lower stock prices.
Joshua: Yeah,
Matthew: buy you more shares at a cheaper price,
Joshua: especially of those people who are maxing out their 401k is maxing out their IRAs Roth IRAs is great opportunities.
Matthew: Just like people in their 20s and 30s are cheering for lower interest rates so they could buy a house. Yeah,
Joshua: but there's always two sides to the sword. That's true. Is that the saying? I don't know. Two sides of the story?
Matthew: Yeah. Yeah, sure. The sword doesn't make sense. We'll go with that. You got anything left?
Matthew: Stock market? Macroeconomy?
Joshua: No, I, I think that's good for now. I think that it is such a, just a You know, again, I feel like we're constantly talking about the uncertainty. But I am optimistic. And again, for most people who are planning and investors, you're in this for the long run, the short term volatility that we're experiencing, isn't going to make or break your long term plan if you're planning appropriately.
Matthew: Did you see the new AI model that was released by X ai? GR three I did. Blew all the other AI models away. So deep seek that little scare we had three weeks ago. That's now a thing in the past.
Joshua: Yeah. That's nice though. I like that. I like that. That scares over. So do you want to explain a little bit about what Grok is?
Matthew: So Xai is Elon Musk's his AI company. And they have the largest Nvidia chip cluster ever created. And they trained their new, their new model on this large chip cluster of Nvidia chips. And people were skeptical that they would be able to do it. And they thought they'd hit scaling loss which essentially means, you know, you don't need any more NVIDIA chips, which is why people got bearish on NVIDIA after DeepSeek.
Matthew: And it, it, what Musk proved was that And DeepSeek
Joshua: was another AI model for the listener that doesn't know that came out and caused a lot of uncertainty about the future of chips and AI.
Matthew: Yeah, and what Musk proved was that was completely false. More chips. Better. And he made it, it's a killer AI app.
Matthew: There's a, there's a few features I think are just game changing on it. They have a deep search feature where you type in what you're looking for and it searches the whole internet for you and comes back with a detailed list of sources. Think of it like Google search on steroids.
Joshua: Yeah. It's, it, to me it's just the easiest way to explain it for someone who, it's gonna be the new way to internet.
Joshua: That's just, that's what it's gonna be. All right, the new way to do your job. Yeah. Yeah, that too. The grok. I tried grok. It's good. It's good. It's fast It's very fast. It's very intelligent Yes I'll have to agree with you. I actually since i've been using grok. I haven't used chat gpt as much
Matthew: same same I'm, only really using chat gpt.
Matthew: For emails right now I'm using grok for all my other searching and analysis. Yeah. Yeah
Joshua: Well, it'll be interesting how this continues to evolve because it's, it's pretty impressive already. And like I said, I think it's still in its infant stage.
Matthew: And whether it's open AI or Grok or Google you know, we're all team America here for listening to this podcast.
Matthew: So let's go America.
Joshua: Yeah, absolutely. Something to be excited about instead of fearful. Yeah.
Matthew: All right, let's jump
Joshua: in recommends. Recommends. Oh I was thinking about my recommends this week and we kept talking about shark ninja.
Matthew: Yeah. Shark ninja. Okay. Ninja or shark? I think our if you're gonna recommend something my guess is it's from the ninja line But the company is called shark.
Matthew: No, we've
Joshua: we established that but they don't brand So I guess they're like home products or the ninja or like appliances kitchen all of that, right? Yeah, kitchen is ninja and then shark is the cleaning side of that.
Matthew: Yes.
Joshua: Okay, so I'm recommending a ninja product and it's a blender that you don't need to plug in.
Joshua: It's chargeable. Why this is really good. So some people are like, why do you need a mobile blender? It's because in the morning I wanted to make like a smoothie, right? Like protein shake smoothie.
Joshua: And so when I get up, I don't want to run like a, a blender and potentially like wake up my kids, basically. Yep. And so actually Paulina got it for me for Christmas. She knew I wanted, she knew I wanted one. It's cool. You plug it in through like a USB. It charges, you load up your stuff, you know, whatever fruit, protein, watermelon, whatever you like.
Joshua: And then you hit the button and it blends it. You can even blend it in the car and then you just drink it straight from the blender. That's pretty sweet. It's nice dude. Is it powerful? It blends it. I mean, I haven't had any problem with like clumpiness or it not blending what's in there. That's pretty neat.
Joshua: I actually haven't tried it with ice though. I've just done it with like cold milk and, and my like fruit and stuff like frozen
Matthew: fruit. Yeah, I mean if it's doing frozen fruit, it should do I haven't used frozen fruit. Oh, you're using real fruit. Mm hmm Oh interesting. I mean that means
Joshua: it's not that cold then it's not but I don't care.
Joshua: I'm I drink it I'm not drinking it to last. I'm just drinking it for the nutrition and I just
Matthew: You need to buy the frozen berries from like Whole Foods.
Joshua: I mean, I have frozen berries, too But like if I have, you know, I already buy a lot of berries. I have a toddler and so Our regular berries that aren't frozen, right?
Joshua: Fresh berries and I just throw those in there. I'm already washing them. They're there.
Matthew: Do you clean those with baking soda?
Joshua: Yes,
Matthew: I just started trying that'll change your life. Yeah, you got to clean them. Yeah, you ever seen the
Joshua: water after
Matthew: it's disgusting
Joshua: It's gross. Yeah, I didn't know that I started that probably like six months ago the baking soda to clean the to clean the berries That's all the Chemicals they put on there trying to get a sicker really good gift Really cool for someone who's on the go Likes to have protein shakes or smoothies or stuff like that highly recommend Another shark ninja product.
Joshua: I mean, do you own shark ninja? Full transparency. No, you talk about shark dendro products all the time. Yeah. Well plant stocks. They're normally not the best They're not but I mean you got a there's a little bit of like owning what you buy. That's true Yeah, that's the Peter Lynch method. Yeah, I mean we're talking about him on to constantly.
Joshua: Yeah air fryer You even have shark product vacuum my air blender So,
Matthew: you know, they have a indoor grill. I saw It's called the sizzle. It looks pretty sweet.
Joshua: You've talked more about different styles of girls. Just get a Blackstone, man. I don't want to clean. Oh no, I know what you need. You need, you need to spend the money built in barbecue.
Matthew: No, that's not in my future. All right. Well, let's talk about my recommends. Football season's over. But there is a sad or
Joshua: happy.
Matthew: Well, my recommends is based on it. Okay. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter as much to me because I've become a big fan of the other football, which is soccer. Yes. The major league soccer season started, started last weekend.
Matthew: We're at the LAFC game together. We're a original season ticket holders. However the MLS season is actually really fun to follow. So if you're looking for a sport, you know, during the football off season, I'm going to suggest following MLS and there's a lot of new stars in the league. There's a new team in San Diego.
Matthew: So now we have San Diego to LA teams. There's a team up in San Jose, a lot of teams here in California. It's really fun. My
Joshua: love, my love, you know, originally the story behind this was like, well, we weren't really into MLS. Let's get season tickets to LAFC to try to increase that interest. And it's, it's just a lot of fun.
Joshua: And I still love it just as much eight years ago now that it started. Yeah, LAFC started
Matthew: and I think it used to be the, the case where the people thought like, Oh, it's where young American players play who weren't that good and retire players on their last leg, like retired superstars called the retirement league.
Matthew: And to me, that's not the case. There's a lot of really talented, young South American players in the league now. And then there's also
Joshua: a lot
Matthew: of
Joshua: young academy players, American American.
Matthew: Yeah.
Joshua: So as our as our youth soccer gets continues to get better You're gonna continue to see more of that
Matthew: But you're starting to see a lot of players come over who are kind of in the end of their prime still You know kind of still in their prime coming over from some of the big European leagues who tried it overseas and maybe didn't like it or You know want to come back and they'd rather be a star here than a
Joshua: yeah And a lot of them want to live in America Some cool cities to live into the new San Diego team.
Joshua: That'd be really cool. Yeah, but I great recommends love MLS love LAFC. So fun. We went Saturday. Do you have a good time? Yeah, I always have a
Matthew: good
Joshua: time there. It's fun. You win. You have
Matthew: a good time.
Joshua: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No, they did They did win. I was happy. We'll see how this season turns out.
Matthew: Yeah. All right.
Matthew: Anything else? Yeah, I think that's good All right. Well as financial advisors, we love helping people out If you are nervous about the economy the stock market your own retirement or have lost a job Now is a good time to reach out. We could start working on your financial plan answer any questions you have and We'll start building your financial future.
Matthew: So reach out to us on our website, evermont. com and thank you for listening. Thank you.
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