Financial and retirement planning guidance from the team at Evermont Wealth. Join President Brent Pasqua and CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professionals Matthew Theal and Joshua Winterswyk each show for helpful conversations about money, life, and retirement. Listen to this show and you'll be sure to have an excellent Retirement Plan Playbook.


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Podcast Podcast

Ep: 86: Building Your Retirement Income: The Bond Ladder Approach

Are you looking for a retirement plan that can provide stability and consistent income? Look no further than bond ladders! In this gripping podcast episode, financial experts Matthew Theal, Brent Pasqua, and Joshua Winterswyk dive deep into the world of bond ladders, revealing everything you need to know to make an informed decision for your retirement plan.

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Podcast Podcast

Ep #8: 5 Keys To Being A Successful Investor

Investing your money can be difficult. There are many different options to choose from that have individual pros and cons to each one. Today we will be discussing 5 important key points that can help you become a successful investor. Tune in to see if you are on the right path for success.

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