Ep 37: Election Wrap-up

The X's & O's

On Saturday it was announced that Joe Biden won the election and will be the 46th president of the United States. Brent, Matthew, and Joshua reflect on the market's reaction to this news, what might be down the road, and why their philosophy on retirement planning will not change even with a new president.

The Hosts:

Brent Pasqua, Matthew Theal and Joshua Winterswyk 

The Transcript:

Brent Pasqua: Welcome to the Retirement Plan Playbook. I’m Brent Pasqua, founder of RPA Wealth Management. I’m here with Matthew Theal, certified financial planner, and also Joshua Winterswyk, certified financial planner. I’m excited for today’s topic, I don’t know how you guys feel but it’s been a pretty draining election and I’m glad we can finally wrap this thing up and move past it and talk about possibly, now that we know some of the outcomes, what the impacts of the market may be. But the first thing I guess I want to know is did you guys vote and with the message that was going on leading up to it, how did you actually do your ballot? Did you go in personally? Did you deliver it? How did you guys vote?

Matthew Theal: Yeah, Brent. I voted. I had one of those mail-in ballots, came to my house, it was pretty straight forward. I circled in who I voted for and then, because I live in West Hollywood they had a bunch of ballot drop boxes, and so I just went to City Hall and dropped it in a box.

Joshua Winterswyk: Nice. Yeah. I used the mail ballot too. Received it in the mail, filled it out, filled the bubbles in, but I actually went on election day to drop it off at the polls. So, I found a local polling place, which was right down the street from my place, and walked right in, put a mask on, dropped my ballot in the box. They had someone there monitoring the drop-off, and I got my, ‘I voted’ sticker, put it on, and pretty simple process. But I also used the mail-in ballot. What about you, Brent?

Brent Pasqua: Yeah, I did the same as, as you Josh. I voted through the mail-in ballot and then went and dropped it off at my actual registered polling station, I just wanted to make sure, hopefully that it got counted that day. But I think that still counts as a mail-in ballot, even though you drop it off. Right?

Joshua Winterswyk: I think so too. I just felt more comfortable going, and it felt a little bit more official, going to the polling place. There was no line or anything, but that’s why I chose to do it that way. But I think you’re right. It does still count as a mail-in ballot.

Brent Pasqua: What was your deterrent from actually doing it voting in person? Was it the line that you potentially would have to wait in or was it just the virus going on, so you don’t want to be in the location for so long?

Joshua Winterswyk: A couple of different variables. I mean, just the time. I didn’t know how the lines were going to be. I’m standing in line, and then also with COVID going on. So, I think it was just a combination of everything that the mail-in ballot was just easier this year. So, who knows. I mean, I do though enjoy that official sense of going to the polling place and filling out my ballot that day, but with everything going on, I think it was just more about convenience and safety.

Brent Pasqua: Yeah. I felt the same way. Usually I always go vote in person and stand there in the little cubicle and fill out my ballot, but it just seemed so much more convenient this year to do it this way.

Joshua Winterswyk: Yeah, absolutely. I agree.

Brent Pasqua: All right. So, let’s get into some of the hot take headlines. Peloton reported great quarterly earnings, sales tripled compared to this time last year. Peloton sales actually grew to 757 million compared to 228 million during the same time last year. They now have 1.3 million subscribers, and as of recent, they’re getting hit really hard with the positive news from the vaccine. Matt, you help contribute to Peloton’s growth. How are you enjoying it?

Matthew Theal: You know, Brent, I think my Peloton is sitting on a ship somewhere at the port of Long Beach or hasn’t been manufactured yet because the day before my delivery they canceled on me and pushed me out six weeks. So, my new delivery date is now in December. A little disappointed there, but as for the company Peloton, I mean, what a stock this has been. You could have picked this thing up for $15 a share during the March coronavirus sell off. It’s going for $120 last I checked. I should say, I think all three of us own shares of Peloton.

Brent Pasqua: Yeah.

Matthew Theal: So, we should put that disclosure in there. But this is the Netflix of fitness. And they’re showing it in the numbers.

Joshua Winterswyk: Yeah. And I think it’s pretty remarkable that they’re estimated to have, really over the holiday quarter, over a billion dollars in sales, and close to $1.6 million of subscribers. I think that that’s just amazing for this company, to grow that quickly and excited to see their path going forward. I know that their CEO has said that they want to be the global connected fitness leader, so I think that even after the pandemic, having that vision and that goal will continue to propel this company. It’ll be fun to watch. But I’m sorry, Matt. You didn’t get your Peloton. I know how excited you were to get your Peloton and I hope it comes soon.

Matthew Theal: I’m really bummed about it.

Brent Pasqua: I think one of the neat things about the company though, is if you buy the actual bike or the treadmill, you’re going to be a subscriber. I mean, you’re more than likely still going to pay your monthly subscription for as long as you have that, unless you plan on not working out. I mean, you can work out without that subscription, but it’s almost like having a TV with no cable. What good is it?

Joshua Winterswyk: Right. You’re very limited. You’re buying a product, not activating all the features.

Matthew Theal: Right. Yeah.

Brent Pasqua: So, I think their numbers will continue to be just fine as we move forward, even if there is a vaccine.

Joshua Winterswyk: Yeah. I think so, too. And even with the vaccine, I mean, I’m not going to be rushing back to the gym. I don’t know how about you guys, and on a frequent basis, not that…

Matthew Theal: Yeah, I agree.

Brent Pasqua: It’ll be interesting to see how things play out. Bitcoin has risen to over 16,000, its highest closing price since 2017. It’s gained nearly 50% in four weeks. Bitcoin was an all-time high of 20,000 in mid-December of 2717. And Google barometer of general interest in trending topics have really shown increased search for Bitcoin. What’s really leading to this rise that we’re seeing in Bitcoin all of a sudden?

Matthew Theal: Probably a FOMO, fear of missing out. But in general, I mean it’s following that typical pattern. Something shoots way up, it acts a bubble. That’s going back to the 2016, 2017 rise. Then it crashes pretty hard and it slowly makes its way up until it breaks out to new highs. I mean, stocks do the exact same thing. Bitcoin is the digital gold. It’s the gold for millennials. So, that’s why it’s going higher.

Brent Pasqua: You think people, retirees, young people should go out and buy Bitcoin, Josh?

Joshua Winterswyk: Again, it’s buyer beware. It is speculative, and like Matt said, are you going out and buying gold because it’s very similar? And so should you be rushing out and going and buying it if you don’t have a specific strategy around a speculative investment like this? No. And if you are interested, do your research.

Brent Pasqua: Yeah. And it’s interesting that you say that about how gold was our parents’ generation of the similar thing that we’re experiencing in cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin. What’s interesting to me is that you could see it even the way that they’re marketing it. For the gold you see it the old-time commercials that always come on and some old man’s up there talking about how you can trust gold. And then with Bitcoin, you just have all these social media people just constantly throwing these weird cryptocurrency ads out there, that really make very little sense half the time. And it’s like salespeople just trying to sell some Bitcoin.

Joshua Winterswyk: I thought the same thing, as soon as you started to say that, I’m like… And you know it’s becoming… Or the value must be going up because my Instagram feed and social media and just the internet is now filled with more ads for Bitcoin. It must be going up and becoming popular again.

Matthew Theal: I should also say too, for full disclosure, I believe all three of us own Bitcoin.

Joshua Winterswyk: That’s correct.

Matthew Theal: We bought it, all of us, I believe in 2015. Before that-

Joshua Winterswyk: I don’t think I’ve logged into my Bitcoin account in a while though. Will you check that for me?

Matthew Theal: No. I haven’t either, but we were getting client questions about it, so we figured we’d better figure it out and learn.

Brent Pasqua: I think I bought mine in mid-December of 2017, when it was all-time highs, and I know that the amount that I put in, which was a very small amount just to see what it was like, got completely obliterated the last two years.

Matthew Theal: Yeah. They call that a top tick. Yeah.

Brent Pasqua: I timed the all-time highs of it. All right. So let’s get to the retirement planning corner. Finally, the election is over. Joe Biden was elected our next president. What happened from Tuesday on and what are your thoughts, Matt?

Matthew Theal: It was a messy situation. I mean, everyone’s used to watching whatever your news channel is, CNN, Fox, NBC, ABC on election night, and you usually get a pretty good idea about 9:00 PM, 10:00 PM Pacific time, of who the next president is going to be. But with this election, we didn’t have that idea. And it looked like Trump was about to run away with it. But there just hadn’t been a lot of ballots cast yet. And so it took, what was it? We found out on Saturday that Biden’s the new president?

Brent Pasqua: Yeah.

Matthew Theal: So, it took four days to count that many ballots and for Biden to have a big enough lead that he was announced as the next president. Unprecedented.

Brent Pasqua: Yeah. I think what led to so much that night thinking that Trump was going to actually win was because of how strong the polls were saying that there was a strong probability that Biden could win Florida, and how that completely didn’t swing that way. That made you start questioning all the polls data leading up to the election.

Joshua Winterswyk: Yeah. It was very polarizing to say the least this last week. I think I’ve never been closely watching an election as much as I was. But I rewrite, I think Florida and just the big swings. I mean, early in the election you saw Biden then Trump come roaring in and it was just fascinating to watch. And then you knew that there was going to be this variable of mail-in ballots and this process that was going to be drawn out over a few days. They were already predicting that, so to just continue to follow it and seeing these swings was pretty fascinating.

Matthew Theal: They should have done like a Sunday night special last night, and we should have no data from Tuesday up until Sunday, and then they should have released it state by state. I got that idea from Portnoy the Barstool guy.

Brent Pasqua: I saw that.

Joshua Winterswyk: That is a good idea.

Matthew Theal: It’s a great idea. How fascinating would that have been? You crack a beer and you open a bottle of wine and you just watch by state-by-state go off.

Brent Pasqua: Like the NCA basketball tournament, like you got in and you went one way or you go in this division.

Matthew Theal: I think that would have made it better for everybody because a lot of people got really emotional during the week as the votes were coming in.

Brent Pasqua: I agree.

Matthew Theal: Yeah.

Brent Pasqua: I think that’s what Saturday was though, a by-product of, was really the pent up emotion for not just the months leading up to this, but the entire four days that it took to uncover. And then once that was finally done, I think that’s why you saw so many people just go to the streets. They were just so tired of waiting, and that emotion came out for so many.

Matthew Theal: Yeah. That or I didn’t really realize how hated President Trump was, but it seemed like a lot of people didn’t like him.

Brent Pasqua: Yeah.

Joshua Winterswyk: Yeah. And the reaction, like you said, Brent, I think just a lot of built-up and uncertainty and anxiety as well. And finally getting to the answer of who’s going to be president can definitely calm just a lot of nerves of knowing who’s going to be our next leader, whether you’re Biden or Trump or whoever. And then on top of COVID still going on. So, there was just so much anxiety and emotion around this election that you saw the emotion on social media and through the news all this week.

Brent Pasqua: Yeah, I agree. And I think, as little as a political show that we try to be, obviously this has impacts on the stock market. For this year, if we start to look at what happened with the stock market, we saw US stocks drop in quarter one 20.9%, and then we saw this rally up of 22% in quarter two, and then quarter three was like an extension of quarter two, where it finished and it was going up 9.21%. We saw a ton of volatility in quarter two. And the stock market really was such a big discussion point in this election. There were concerns leading up to this and a lot of talk about that the market was going to drop if Biden was elected. What has the stock market really done since the election and within those four days leading up to us finding out who won, but till now, I mean, what has the market done?

Matthew Theal: Well, can we just take a victory lap here? I mean, we did what? Two shows, put out a newsletter, put out a blog post about how the market was not going to crash. I mean, even if Trump was elected it wasn’t going to crash, and it didn’t crash. A small little victory lap for us. And to put some numbers on it, Brent, the S&P 500 is up over 10% since election days. That’s 10% in one week. Just an incredible move in the stock market.

Brent Pasqua: And I don’t want that to get lost in those four days where a lot of people are probably paying a little bit more close attention to what was going on in the race rather than in the market. I mean, it’s been such a big rise going up to it, and why is it going up though? If some people thought it would crash, why is it still going up?

Joshua Winterswyk: That’s a really, really good question. But like we talked about on the last podcast, there’s uncertainty that’s gone. I mean, we have some direction, both with the president and a little bit more direction on the future, so removing some of that uncertainty, the market’s like that, and they’re reacting positive to that next step. And with even a change in president is a new opportunity and new projected future growth for these companies that we invest in. So, I think that’s one of the main reasons why you’re seeing such a good reaction to the election.

Brent Pasqua: With it being such an emotional election, I mean, whether this went in your favor or not, and let’s say you’re one of the people that are really upset by what happened. Should people really sell their stocks in their portfolio, if they are concerned about Biden now becoming president?

Matthew Theal: Well, I mean, I think if there was concern about Biden as president you’d be seeing stocks massively sell-off, especially now that he has been chosen as the next president, and that’s just not happening. Again, if you told me, hey, I’m concerned about COVID, I’d be like, “Yeah. Okay. That makes sense.” I mean, but Biden was under the Obama administration, he’s been in politics since what? The sixties or the seventies. That’s like the joke on him. He’s going to be a fine president. He’s not going to ruffle any feathers.

Brent Pasqua: And I think this is what’s interesting today. There was so many people leading up to the last couple of months and coming into the election that wanted, or did sell, a lot of their stock positions because they were concerned about if one person won or the other, and they were going to lose so much money, and they would rather wait until December, January to get back in. Well, guess what? If you’re one of those people, you just missed 10% of the market returns.

Joshua Winterswyk: Yeah. That’s a great, great point. And even with some of the volatility before the election, to miss out on that 10%, since the election is huge. I mean, that really, really help you in this year that’s been so volatile and we saw the market down 31%. And again, just not a great strategy because you have to be right twice. I know I always say this on every podcast that we talk about the market, but if you sold, you have to be right on buying back in. And we see another example where, how hard it is to time this market.

Brent Pasqua: I think from March 12th till the day before the election, the market was down a majority of those days. So, if you were one of those people, you’re probably thinking you won. But within two days, on Tuesday and Wednesday, the market had already recovered that entire time period and it’s been just a skyrocket since.

Joshua Winterswyk: Yeah.

Matthew Theal: Absolutely.

Brent Pasqua: What is your thoughts heading into next year? With Biden being president will the stock market go up? Or is that not… Are we still with the same philosophy?

Matthew Theal: I mean, our philosophy is always the same. Stay in, stay long, and be that long-term patient investor. Biden is set up to do really, really well. Let’s talk about some things that are going to happen next year. Most likely the coronavirus will either die out or there’s going to be a vaccine. That’s going to be great for the economy. That’ll send the stock market higher. There’s also a bunch of people buying homes right now. Where the millennial generation is in their prime time home buying years. That’s also great for the economy. I believe we talked about housing on one of the prior podcasts and how great it’s doing this year. That’s expected to continue to do well until 2023, 2024. And we’re in a low-interest rate environment with no reason to raise rates.

Joshua Winterswyk: And the Fed has said that they have no real rush to raise rates, so they’ll continue to stay low. Cash will be easy, and I just asked myself the question, going into next year even under a new administration, is there still opportunity out there? There is, so we’re investing in these businesses. I see a lot of opportunity. You just talked about it, coming out of the virus, that’s a huge one. And so I do believe that next year could provide some good growth for us.

Brent Pasqua: Yeah. I mean, I have to imagine that, as things get back to normal, the hotels are just going to be slammed. I just can’t imagine that you’re going to be able to find hotels and all the hospitality is-

Joshua Winterswyk: Cruises.

Brent Pasqua: I have to imagine, once there’s a low level of infection and people feel comfortable again, you better book ahead, I would assume.

Joshua Winterswyk: Yeah. There’s so much pent-up demand. I mean, everyone is in their mind thinking, when can I travel again? Or when can I take a trip?

Matthew Theal: Imagine too, I mean, it is looking like, I know we’re going to talk about it later in the show, that there’s a potential where the Democrats can control everything. Imagine if they sent a stimulus out in January or February of next year, $2,000 to every taxpayer in America. Where are the Americans going to put that? Restaurants, cruising, hotel, everything we’ve missed out on, to your point.

Brent Pasqua: Yeah. I just feel like people need that break and that sense of normalcy and they need a vacation. I think the whole country needs a vacation or the whole world.

Joshua Winterswyk: Right.

Brent Pasqua: So, let’s talk a little bit about taxes. The house has remained under a Democrat rule, so really during the election, the eyes turned to the Senate. Republicans going into the election previously held 53 to 47 majority in the upper house, so Democrats really needed to flip at least three seats. We are currently sitting with a 48/48 split with a runoff in Georgia. This is, I think, obviously very important to us that some of those potential tax implications, but why is this so important to Biden’s tax plan?

Matthew Theal: You could pass it easily. If the Democrats control all three, the Senate, the house, and then the presidency. But again, like I said on the last show, I’m skeptical he’s actually going to pass it. No sitting president really wants to raise taxes. And the joke has been that the Democrats have become the party of the elites. So, does Biden really want to raise taxes on all his Democrat friends? Probably not.

Brent Pasqua: Yeah. And I think there’s probably that a lot, you could tell me if I’m wrong, that has to happen. I mean, first they have to win it and then they would have to go through and pass it. And it just seems like there’s some time that would have to… Things that would have to happen for that to be the case.

Matthew Theal: Yeah, absolutely.

Brent Pasqua: But everyone is concerned about Biden’s tax plan. If the Senate does swing to the Dems, do you think, Josh, he’ll raise taxes next year?

Joshua Winterswyk: Yeah. Part of his plan says that certain individuals in this country and businesses will pay more in taxes as a part of his proposed plan. But a lot of it, and looking through just the proposed plan, a lot of it has to do with high earners, over 400,000 on an income and corporations. So, there is some proposals in there that potentially are going to change or raise your taxes. And I think probably we’ll get into this more as that becomes more… Getting closer to passing, but there are a lot of different provisions in there that could potentially help you too. So, I know that we’ll dig further into it in a future podcast.

Matthew Theal: One thing I liked that I was looking at, was he actually, I mean, this is negative for high earners, but he actually is going to increase the social security wage base. And I think I read he’s going to go up to 400K for married filing jointly. So, that’ll be a little extra social security tax, but that’ll really fund social security, which is good, and that will make it so we stop having these discussions about social security is not going to be here in 10 years.

Joshua Winterswyk: And that’s a concern for a lot of Americans, is social security and the fund running out, and what’s going to happen.

Brent Pasqua: And that concern is valid. I mean, if many retirees don’t have their social security, they’re not going to be able to survive.

Joshua Winterswyk: Right.

Brent Pasqua: If you are one of those people that are concerned about the possible tax implications, and you see this as becoming more of a real possibility, what do you do now if you are in that upper-income base?

Matthew Theal: I would contact a financial advisor or your tax planner and go through your portfolio and look at what you could do from a capital gain standpoint. I know he does want to increase capital gains tax. That’s really his only net negative. I think that he could pull it post to the stock market, because if he does that then people are going to rush to sell their stocks before then.

Brent Pasqua: And I don’t think, as you get down to the end of the year, because I don’t know, when are these runoffs again? Because we’re not going to know until January, right?

Matthew Theal: Yeah. January 2021.

Brent Pasqua: Yeah. So, I mean, these runoffs are even going to be completed, and are you going to go sell your stocks and pay all this capital gains tax for something that you don’t even know what’s going to happen?

Joshua Winterswyk: Right. I think it’s maintaining your same strategy. If you’re not at tax loss in your portfolio already looking at that, or if you do have other capital gains situations, definitely review them like you would in any year. I think it’s just healthy to have that strategy built-in at the end of every year, no matter if the taxes are going to change or not.

Brent Pasqua: Yeah. For so many I think that taxing is so far from where we are right now. I mean, that doesn’t mean it can’t come true, but it is pretty far from, I think, where we sit today. Let’s talk a little bit about the economy and disposable income is down this year, 13.2%. April unemployment neared 15%. But since then it’s really sitting down around 7.9%. Interest rates are extremely low. In February there were less people living in poverty than ever before, and now that number is starting to actually go back up. In your opinion, is Biden really taking over an economy in a better or worse position than when Obama had took it over during the financial crisis of 08 and 09?

Matthew Theal: He’s in a great position. He’s about probably in the same position as Trump was when Trump took over the Obama economy. But like I said a few minutes ago, the economy is going to boom, and Biden is set up for success.

Joshua Winterswyk: You’re already seeing recovery from this recession. And I mean, if we study economic cycles, what’s after a recession? Expansion. So, if this year and going forward for Biden, even after this recession we’re already seeing us come out of it. I think again, there’s just a lot of opportunity for us to quickly recover and have some really, really good growth in the economy over the next few years.

Brent Pasqua: Are there any economic factors that investors should pay close attention to as we’re heading into next year?

Matthew Theal: I would continue to watch housing and then rents as well. Rents are decreasing across all major cities. We talked about it on the last podcast. To me, those are really important economic indicators. And then, the third one would be commercial real estate, especially on the individual office side. We’re here in our office today, we know a lot of businesses have turned in their office lease. Let’s see if that starts to pick up next year or businesses really are going to stay in that work from home environment.

Brent Pasqua: Yeah. It seems like a lot of offices are still, from what I can tell and have read that, most people either want the same amount of space or less space, but there’s not a lot of demand for getting more space right now.

Joshua Winterswyk: And what’s the rush? I mean, there just isn’t, and with the work at home movement, I think a lot of the commercial estate side it’s going to be analyzed and potentially changing over the next few years.

Brent Pasqua: Yeah. And you’re right. I mean, that is such a conversation that’s probably so early to tell because, I mean, who’s going to be buying more space right now? I mean, that’s just not where we’re at. But you talk about in six or eight months from now you start to show low infection rates, and you probably can see that start to change potentially.

Joshua Winterswyk: Yep. Yep. Absolutely.

Brent Pasqua: So, as we finish up this year’s election, I mean, where do you think this puts us on track for in 2024?

Matthew Theal: There’s a good chance that 2024, you could be heading into one of those recession years or more at the peak of the economic cycle, just based on what we know about the way the economy works. So, if Biden is re-elected then that means he could potentially be facing recession. Or if a Republican is re-elected, I know Trump has already been Tweeting out that he’s going to give it a go in ’24, then he’s going to potentially be facing a recession.

Joshua Winterswyk: Yeah, I think the same. I think that we can just follow that economic cycle, and I think that maybe that is the peak in four years, right after we see this expansion through the recovery of this recession we’re going through now. But time will tell. And we’re just going to continue to review and assess and have a good plan, going forward.

Brent Pasqua: Yeah. I just want to say, good job and congratulations to all the people that, through this emotional time, just really held their portfolio stance. And whether they listen to this or they listen to their financial planners on not overreacting, not selling off, not doing what makes you think about doing when you get that emotional, and just holding the course, because it is hard. It’s hard to stay the course. It’s hard to not sell and get emotional and concerned. But if you’ve stayed the course, I mean, you’re being rewarded right now.

Joshua Winterswyk: Absolutely. You make a great point and definitely congrats to all of those investors. And they’re receiving that reward, like you said, so happy for you.

Brent Pasqua: Yeah.

Matthew Theal: Yeah. Congratulations.

Brent Pasqua: Let’s get into my favorite part of the show, RPA recommends. Who wants to go first here?

Joshua Winterswyk: I’ll go first. Mandalorian’s back, so I don’t know if everyone on this podcast is familiar with The Mandalorian, but it’s a Star Wars spinoff on Disney Plus. Me and my wife are watching season two that just came out two weeks ago. Highly recommend it. Even if you aren’t a big Star Wars fan, just a really, really good show, and Disney Plus did a fantastic job, so really excited to watch the rest of season two from The Mandalorian. It’s pretty good.

Brent Pasqua: That’s good. I’ll have to check that out.

Joshua Winterswyk: Yeah.

Matthew Theal: I don’t have much. My wife and I are in escrow on a house right now, so if everything closes and goes well I’ll probably have a lot of housing related recommendations coming up. But because of that house, we really haven’t got much new. I have a new iPhone, but I actually haven’t used it yet, it hasn’t arrived. So, it’s like my Peloton, it’s probably on some ship somewhere.

Brent Pasqua: It’s a big year for you, man. A baby, a new house, a new iPhone, new Peloton. You’re like a new person.

Matthew Theal: Yeah. Well, it’s one of those transition years. It’s like a marriage year. You have the baby and you’ve got to get the house to put the baby in. Your priorities change a little bit. Yeah.

Brent Pasqua: Well, congratulations to you. I know it’s a big step. And for all the people who are making big steps this year during the pandemic, I mean, I know it’s even harder right now. One thing that can go great in your new house, Matthew, is a Dyson vacuum.

Matthew Theal: I feel like you’re selling me something. What is happening?

Brent Pasqua: Now it’s my RPA recommended Dyson vacuum, and the reason why is because it’s cordless. I was vacuuming my house yesterday. You can transition it from wood floors to carpet by just changing out the bottom part, and not having to plug it in every time you go into a different room is highly convenient. I know you can get them at Costco or you can order them online, but just such a time saver by being able to not have to plug it in every time, if you’re one of those people that doesn’t like doing that.

Joshua Winterswyk: That was going to be my next question, was do they have them at Costco? So, I’m glad you already took care of that for me.

Matthew Theal: I didn’t realize that you still plugged your vacuum in. I’ve had a Dyson for five or six years and they’re great. Do you have a robot vacuum yet?

Brent Pasqua: Yeah. Yeah, we do.

Matthew Theal: You have the robot, okay.

Brent Pasqua: Yeah. But I mean, Dyson works great when you want to directly vacuum exactly where you want to be in.

Matthew Theal: Yeah, absolutely.

Brent Pasqua: Which should be a daily occurrence now that you have a child.

Matthew Theal: We have a Dyson and a robot. I mean, I haven’t used a plug vac, I don’t think I’ve ever owned a plug vacuum in my life.

Joshua Winterswyk: I would just like to say, I don’t have either. I’m way behind. I didn’t know this vacuum game was so big, so I’ve got to get on it.

Matthew Theal: Well, you have a plug vacuum?

Joshua Winterswyk: I do.

Matthew Theal: You’re usually up on the latest tech.

Brent Pasqua: Yeah, I know. But I guess the home cleaning tech, I’m not. I don’t have a robot vacuum or a Dyson.

Brent Pasqua: In about a year and a half, Matt’s Roomba will be like one of his child’s favorite toy in the house because she’ll just be chasing that thing around for half the day.

Matthew Theal: That’d be good entertainment. Thanks for the tip.

Brent Pasqua: Yeah. So, as we round things out, as advisors we truly love helping people. We hope we’ve been able to help you during this time. I mean, as we’ve talked about, as it was such an emotional time to get through it, but we got through it, and selling off your portfolio didn’t need to be done. You stayed the course, you did the right thing. But that’s why we do it. And if you would like more information or you’d like to schedule an appointment, please go to RPAwealth.com and schedule a complimentary phone call, complimentary consultation, or just even have a chat with us. And you can also download our ebook on our website. So, if you’d like to know more and you liked the show notes, please go to RetirementPlanPlaybook.com. But as always, we thank you for listening to Retirement Plan Playbook.

Joshua Winterswyk: Thank you.

Matthew Theal: Thank you.

Announcer: RPA Wealth Management is a state registered investment advisor located in Rancho Cucamonga, California. Registration does not imply a certain level of skill or training. RPA Wealth Management may only transact business in those states and jurisdictions in which it is registered or qualifies for an exemption or exclusion from registration requirements. A copy of RPA Wealth Management’s current disclosure statement, form ADV part one, containing RPA Wealth Management’s business operations, services and fees is available by accessing the SCCs Investment Advisor Public Disclosure website. RPA Wealth Management will provide form ADV part 2A, firm brochure, and 2B brochure supplement to interested parties upon request. Information provided on this podcast should not be construed as a solicitation or offer or recommendation to acquire or dispose of any investment or engage in any other transaction. RPA Wealth Management does not render or offer to render personal investment advice or financial planning advice through its podcast. RPA Wealth Management podcasts are intended for information and educational purposes only.


Ep 38: Retirement In 2021


Ep 36: Election FAQs