Ep 13: 8 Financial To-Do's Before the End of the Year

The X's & O's

As the end of the year is coming to a close, it is important to reflect on what we accomplished and what has room for improvement. Today's show focuses on taking this idea and applying it to your financial plan.

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The Hosts:

Brent Pasqua, Matthew Theal and Joshua Winterswyk 


Matthew Theal: Welcome to the Retirement Plan Playbook. I’m Matthew Theal, a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ with RPA Wealth Management. I’m joined as always by Joshua Winterswyk. Josh, how you doing today?

Josh Winterswyk: Doing well, thank you, Matt.

Matthew Theal: Man, unfortunately we will not be joined on today’s show by RPA president Brent Pasqua. He’s taking some time to be with his family and we expect to have him back on his normal podcast schedule at the beginning of the year. So today’s show we have a pretty special one. We are going to talk about eight financial to-do’s before the year end hits. Josh, you want to get us started with the first one?

Josh Winterswyk: Yeah, let’s just dive right in. So I can’t believe that this year is already almost to an end. It flew by.

Matthew Theal: I know. It’s crazy. I’m getting ready for some turkey next week. I don’t know if you are as well.

Josh Winterswyk: Are you a big turkey or you like ham both?

Matthew Theal: No, I’m a big turkey guy.

Josh Winterswyk: Are you?

Matthew Theal: Yeah.

Josh Winterswyk: Gravy? The whole nine yard stuffing?

Matthew Theal: Yeah, I do it all.

Josh Winterswyk: Nice. I like that too.

Matthew Theal: Just, now that I’m older, I can’t eat as much as I used to. I used to get two or three plates at Thanksgiving, but now it’s down to pretty much one plate.

Josh Winterswyk: I try to pace myself because usually I go to like two or three households. You know, like mom’s side, dad’s side, wife side. So I just try to pace myself throughout the whole day so I’m not feeling like a stuffed turkey by the end of the day.

Matthew Theal: Me too. And now I actually only eat at one house. I only eat at my mom’s house.

Josh Winterswyk: Really?

Matthew Theal: Yeah.

Josh Winterswyk: Smart. So you just go ham at one house?

Matthew Theal: Yeah, exactly.

Josh Winterswyk: I know. I feel like I like a lot more of the sides that come with it than the actual turkey, but I’m looking forward to it as well.

Matthew Theal: Well turkey is really hard to cook, so I feel like a lot of people end up messing it up and then it comes out dry.

Josh Winterswyk: You just pack it with gravy. But I’m looking forward to that too. But just really, this year’s flown by. Christmas is also right around the corner. Let’s get started. You ready?

Matthew Theal: I am ready to rock.

Josh Winterswyk: The first financial thing to do before the end of the year that we got on our eight things is to review your 2019 goals and set 2020 goals. Matt, do you want to touch on that?

Matthew Theal: Absolutely. So what we’re trying to do here is we’re trying to see what exactly happened to you during the year. Did you accomplish your goals that you set out to? Did you have goals? If you didn’t, why not? Did you face any financial setbacks? And I think this is a good point. Everybody faces financial setbacks throughout the year. It’s perfectly normal. There’s very few people who go throughout a whole year without one financial setback. I know my financial setback this year in my family was when my wife, Hailey, she found out her job was being, I guess, terminated. And so she had to go find a new one, but we made it through. We weren’t expecting that, but it happened. Anything for you?

Josh Winterswyk: Yeah, I got married this year. So I know you’re married, and sometimes that can go overbudget. So that was a big financial setback for us. But to touch on that too, I think that writing down your goals and being prepared for them, if you haven’t written them down or whether if it’s on a computer or on a piece of paper, is just really important. So then that way you can get through those financial tough times, like you were just saying, that come throughout the year.

Matthew Theal: Yeah, absolutely. And once you start planning for them, then, I mean the setbacks aren’t as bad as they are for most people. And the next thing you want to do when you’re looking at your 2020 goals is start thinking, “Hey, what do I want to happen in 2020? What do I want to accomplish?” Some good goals for people, small and large, is maybe it’s getting a new job training, taking an educational course that costs you a couple thousand dollars. You could say about four. Or maybe it’s purchasing a new home or home remodel. Maybe you’re looking to change jobs. You’re not happy with your current job and you want to maybe either work less, work more, or change industries. Retirement is a huge one for a lot of people. Many other goals that you could think of, Josh, that would be good for people in 2020?

Josh Winterswyk: Yeah, and I think just other goals that might allow you to be more efficient, like let’s say adding a workout plan or a new diet that’s going to just better your lifestyle as well. It doesn’t necessarily always have to be directly financial, but that can help you indirectly with the other aspects of your life.

Matthew Theal: That’s a great one. Actually I’m big on changing my diet right now, as you know, from being at the office. So I’m getting set up for 2020.

Josh Winterswyk: And I think one more thing to add to just goals is make sure you write them down. And a lot of them, make sure you put a dollar amount on them. If it is a savings’ goal, actually setting a dollar amount goal to that. And to try to achieve it, I think it’s just really important to set actual amounts to the goals as well.

Matthew Theal: Yeah, that’s a great point. If there’s no numerical value or there’s no certificate or completion at the end, then it’s really not a goal. It’s just a dream.

Josh Winterswyk: Right. Or a time horizon. You know, a year, six months. Let’s move on. You’re good with goals? Okay. So number two, review 2009 income and expenses.

Matthew Theal: All right, so this is a fun one, right? The first thing you want to do is you want to see actually how much money you made, and this is quite controversial, but what I look at is I just look at your checking account and see how much money came in. Would you agree with that?

Josh Winterswyk: Yeah. I mean, there might be some one-offs in there, but that’s going to give you a pretty good number.

Matthew Theal: Take a look at those net checks. I mean, was it five grand a month, 10 grand a month, whatever? That’s how much money came into your pocket during the year. I believe pretty much any bank you can run this through their website.

Josh Winterswyk: Yeah, very easily. Do just a search through your bank. Also, I mean, with a lot of the HR through companies, if you are working for an employer, they have your net year-to-date amount, either on your pay stub or through their employee portal, is what we’ve seen a lot too. That can give you an accurate number of what you’ve made so far. And you can also then see what’s been deducted, how much you’ve saved into your retirement accounts and have a really good idea of your income.

Matthew Theal: That’s a great point. And then the next thing you want to take a look at is how much did you spend? There’s a few different ways to do this, but most likely if your savings account hasn’t grown year over year, you probably spent every month all the dollars you made. Would you agree with that?

Josh Winterswyk: Yeah, that’s a good way to see if you are saving. You say you’re saving, but to see if you really are is, did your savings account grow?

Matthew Theal: And if it didn’t, you probably spent all the money you made. But that’s okay. We’ll fix that later in today’s show.

Josh Winterswyk: Yep. Absolutely. And I think this is just been a common theme on the other shows too, is embracing some sort of organizational software like Mint.com that’s going to organize your income and expenses and give you an idea of your cashflow. Just really, really beneficial. And those softwares are free. And a lot of times even your bank offers some sort of analysis on your annual cashflow. So, just a really important step to take before the end of the year to see how you did.

Matthew Theal: Absolutely.

Josh Winterswyk: Moving on. So number three, we have maxing out your retirement savings.

Matthew Theal: So this one I think is for the people who didn’t spend everything they made, right? But it’s really important. So if you are eligible through a 401(k) through your work for 2019, you’re allowed to defer up to $19,000. And if you’re over the age of 50 you could defer an extra 6,000.

Josh Winterswyk: And that’s what’s called a catch-up, right?

Matthew Theal: Yep. Your catch-up contribution. If you do not have a 401(k) through work, you could use an IRA and you could put away $6,000 with a catch-up at age 50 of 1,000. If you’ve maxed out your 401(k), you might want to consider looking into an HSA as well and get those triple tax benefits. And that’s 3,500 for an individual and 7,000 for a family.

Josh Winterswyk: An HSA healthcare savings account.

Matthew Theal: Yes, absolutely. But also, fun fact about HSA is they can be used for retirement.

Josh Winterswyk: Yeah. That’s a really cool feature to them. And the limits keep going up. I mean, it was relatively low when they first came out and they keep going up too. Just a lot of benefits to the HSA.

Matthew Theal: Yeah, absolutely. I actually probably need to get one myself.

Josh Winterswyk: Also, just a lot of rules behind the 401(k) and contributing in the IRA, so make sure you do your research to see if you’re eligible. Especially with the IRAs and HSAs. But a great time to get some tax savings before the end of the year by contributing.

Matthew Theal: Yeah. And then a lot of people … I mean, taxes are the benefit you see right away. But another benefit is more of a longterm benefit. But I mean, there’s so many people who are unhappy with what their current job is. I mean, we’re blessed that we’re happy. But it’s pretty simple, people. The more money you save, the faster you’re going to get to retirement.

Josh Winterswyk: I agree with that. And so saving money is … And then having it invested. I mean, you’re saving this money and the growth that’s compounding from now until you retire is just another benefit. There’s just so many benefits to the retirement savings accounts, for sure.

Matthew Theal: Yeah. And I don’t want to make this more complex than it has to be, but for those of you who max out your 401(k), you do have the potential to maybe contribute to a Roth IRA or a nondeductible IRA. Contact your tax professional or your financial advisor and they’ll be able to tell you. But you could be putting in probably close to 30,000 a year in retirement savings depending on your income.

Josh Winterswyk: Yeah, great point. There are so many different options. Making sure you explore all of them before the end of the year if you have some money to do so, or some cashflow. So great point. Moving on to number four, Matt.

Matthew Theal: Yeah, let’s get to number four.

Josh Winterswyk: Awesome. Utilize your employee benefits.

Matthew Theal: All right. This is one that I feel like a lot of people do not take advantage of, but most large employers are going to offer quite a few benefits that you might not be taking advantage of, and trying to get them in before the end of the year is a great option. The first thing you might want to check in is see if there’s any new retirement plans. A lot of times employers might introduce some new retirement plans throughout the year. I think we just passed open enrollment. Right, Josh?

Josh Winterswyk: Yeah, and depending on it, it could still be in that period, but now’s a great time to be looking into that for next year and for the end of year to utilize those benefits for this year.

Matthew Theal: Another thing you might want to look into is if you have stock options. There’s quite a few elections you can make on those stock option accounts before the end of the year to lock in potential tax savings. Or you might even want to cash those out this year to diversify away from your company. Again, if you have stock options, the first thing I’ll do is call a financial advisor who’s experienced with them because they are extremely complex.

Josh Winterswyk: Yeah. Consulting with an advisor, and again, a tax professional on the stock options is definitely the recommendation. But I agree with you, now’s a great time before the end of the year, and especially to strategize between the two years, because January 1st will start this new tax year. So you’re opening yourself up to a couple more options if you’re doing it now instead of starting in January.

Matthew Theal: Yeah. And the other thing you could do if you have dental and vision, and this is a cool one, but a lot of the times those plans give you two teeth cleanings per year, right?

Josh Winterswyk: Yeah.

Matthew Theal: They’re covering in their dental plan. And then an eye exam, usually with either contacts or glasses per year. If you haven’t used that yet, go use it before the end of the year.

Josh Winterswyk: Yeah. And especially on the vision side, I know you wear contacts, right? And so do I.

Matthew Theal: Yeah, I can’t see.

Josh Winterswyk: Neither can I. But getting that exam, and even if it is telling them. My optometrist is pretty helpful of saying, you know, “This is the best way to use those benefits even if you don’t need it.” So consulting with them to getting some of that free money that’s out there for the vision and dental, consulting with your professionals to maximizing those benefits.

Matthew Theal: Yeah, absolutely. My dentist helped me with that. So I hadn’t gone to the dentist in a few years and then I started going like three years ago. And I came, I believe in October and I ended up getting two cleanings in before the end of the year, taking advantage of my benefits. And they were the ones who pointed it out to me. So I thought that was cool.

Josh Winterswyk: It’s like a win-win for everybody.

Matthew Theal: Yeah. They got paid and my teeth got cleaned, because they were dirty.

Josh Winterswyk: Perfect. On to the next.

Matthew Theal: Let’s move on.

Josh Winterswyk: Perfect. We’re on number five already. So spending your HSA money.

Matthew Theal: FSA money.

Josh Winterswyk: Yeah, no, FSA. That’s my mistake. Apologize for that.

Matthew Theal: Let’s discuss the differences. So HSA, you can put money away and you can defer up until retirement. You don’t have to spend it. FSA, you could put money away but you have to spend it by the end of the year.

Josh Winterswyk: Got it right.

Matthew Theal: I’m not a big FSA guy. I guess that’s probably on me. Have you ever used one?

Josh Winterswyk: Yeah, actually at my previous … When I worked for city, we had one, which was nice. I mean there’s a laundry list of things you can use it for. So again, more of that tax strategy to put some money in there and use it on specific expenses that are qualified. But make sure you spend it because you don’t want to lose it.

Matthew Theal: Absolutely.

Josh Winterswyk: That’s the theme with this bullet point. But yeah, that can be very helpful, and especially if you do have a lot of qualified healthcare expenses throughout the year. And again, this goes back to knowing where your spending and bringing that awareness. If you’re using some sort of software, looking back at your expenses, you can look through to see how much you’re spending on personal care products, dentist, vision, and you could properly fund your FSA going into next year as well, with a little bit more knowledge on how much you need.

Matthew Theal: Absolutely. And so when I was doing research for this one, I actually found something really cool that’s beneficial if you have extra money in your FSA and don’t know what to spend it on. But if you go to cvs.com, they have a tab you can search under and it’ll show you all the products you could purchase that are FSA eligible.

Josh Winterswyk: That’s awesome. That’s a great tip.

Matthew Theal: Yeah, and I mean there’s stuff like contact solution. Gosh, what else did they have?

Josh Winterswyk: I remember back when I had one, like even buying a medical aid kit, if you didn’t have one for your home.

Matthew Theal: Right, the first aid kit.

Josh Winterswyk: First aid kit, yeah. I know even Costco sells them and I’m sure CVS sells one. But something that I didn’t think of, like I don’t have that. Like a full kit in my house. Yes, I have different oddball things. But even just to spend that money, another thing that you can prepare for.

Matthew Theal: Yeah, that’s a great tip. So spend that FSA money. If you don’t use it, you’ll lose it. Anything else?

Josh Winterswyk: No, I think that’s good.

Matthew Theal: I got one more thing. CVS, if you want to sponsor a podcast, let us know. We definitely thought the FSA site was cool and we’ll show it to all of our clients.

Josh Winterswyk: Yeah. Moving on, so number six is rebalance investment accounts.

Matthew Theal: So when we’re looking at your investment accounts, most people are going to have some percentage of stock to bonds in there, right? So then maybe it’s 90% stock, 10% bond, 60% stock, 40% bond. That’s pretty much how retirement savings is done today. And what happens over time is the positions go up and down and your portfolio becomes out of balance. It’s a very similar to how you would take your car to get your tires rotated because your tire tread wears unevenly. And your portfolio works the same way. Over time it wears unevenly. And this year we’ve had a great year in the United States stock market, as of recording the S&P 500 is at 27%.

Josh Winterswyk: Wow!

Matthew Theal: Yeah, that’s huge. So what that means for most people though is they probably are overallocated to stocks compared to where they really want to be.

Josh Winterswyk: So overallocated from their target allocation.

Matthew Theal: Absolutely. They have too many stocks. And what rebalancing does is it allows you to sell high and buy low.

Josh Winterswyk: So it’s practicing one of our tips or our philosophy points to investing, of buying low and selling high.

Matthew Theal: Right? Whereas most people buy high and sell low, so a lot of people who aren’t investing in the stock market are going to see that the S&P 500 probably ended up returning 30% this year and they’re going to go reallocate from bonds to stocks. But does that really make sense? Because they’re kind of buying high, right?

Josh Winterswyk: Right. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. And I think just one point to talk about is with the investment accounts, these are the non retirement accounts, right? So the accounts that have actual gains and losses, or after-tax accounts.

Matthew Theal: Well they are, but you could also rebalance your retirement account.

Josh Winterswyk: Sure. Okay.

Matthew Theal: I mean, you might have a … You might be getting close to retirement because the stock market went up, you know how 70% of stock instead of 60% of stock.

Josh Winterswyk: Right. Yeah. Always having that rebalancing idea for all investment accounts. But I guess also the point I’m trying to make is be mindful of the tax implications of rebalancing and after-tax accounts. That’s another rabbit hole.

Matthew Theal: Absolutely. Yeah, that’s way too much for today’s podcast. But if you do have an after-tax account and you want to rebalance it, consult a financial advisor or an accountant. They’ll help you out.

Josh Winterswyk: So reaching out to your professionals again with this point.

Matthew Theal: Yeah, it’s a big point on the show.

Josh Winterswyk: Ready for number seven?

Matthew Theal: Yeah, let’s move on.

Josh Winterswyk: All right. Review your net worth sheet.

Matthew Theal: So your net worth sheet is something that most people don’t have. And I feel like the one thing that we do, maybe you can agree or disagree, is the first time I show a new client their balance sheet, their eyes light up.

Josh Winterswyk: I agree.

Matthew Theal: It’s one of the most gratifying things we do, because they’ve never seen it before.

Josh Winterswyk: Yeah. And to see just what your asset total is. So if you’re looking at a net worth sheet or balance sheet and you’re seeing it for the first time, because you’d never just taking that time to organize everything you have and to see that dollar amount, it is. A lot of clients even look like deer in a headlight. Like, “Wow, I didn’t know.” Or, “I thought it was more.” Very impactful.

Matthew Theal: The one that’s always funny to me is people that, “Oh wow, I didn’t realize I had that much money.”

Josh Winterswyk: Yeah. That does happen.

Matthew Theal: Because they have accounts all over the place. But essentially what you’re doing is you’re making two columns. First column will have all your assets listed. Josh, what are some examples of assets?

Josh Winterswyk: Your primary residence, so your home. If you have any other property or lands, you have your retirement account, savings accounts, even if it is something like a classic car. So these are all assets that have value.

Matthew Theal: Business interests if you own business.

Josh Winterswyk: Yeah, fair point.

Matthew Theal: Let’s see. Anything else we missed?

Josh Winterswyk: No, I think we covered it. So brokerage accounts, retirement accounts. We’re good.

Matthew Theal: So that’s column one. That’s your assets. You add all those up and see what you get. Hopefully it’s around one million, two million, three million, four million.

Josh Winterswyk: I think that also gets clients excited when it does, if it is over a million.

Matthew Theal: Yeah. Because they feel like, “Oh, I’m a millionaire.”

Josh Winterswyk: But then we get to the liability section.

Matthew Theal: Yeah. Moving on. All right, to the liabilities. What are some good examples of liabilities? We have credit cards, student loans, auto loans. Josh, did I miss anything?

Josh Winterswyk: No. I think-

Matthew Theal: Home loans.

Josh Winterswyk: Yeah. I mean, anything stemming from mortgage to a home equity loan, to credit, mortgage, credit card debt, student loan.

Matthew Theal: Pretty much this column is whoever you owe money to. And this is your liabilities. You add it up and hopefully it doesn’t add up to too much.

Josh Winterswyk: And then to calculate your net worth, you’re adding up your assets, subtract your liabilities to get that net worth total.

Matthew Theal: Yep. You take your A minus your L and you get your net worth. This is something that you should be doing every year. It’s a great way to check to see if you’re making progress.

Josh Winterswyk: Yeah, I agree. I think it’s just a really powerful tool because it’s going to continue to help you see if you’re accomplishing those goals and create the vision for the future. And also give a dollar amount to your next goal. You know, I want my network to be X. What do we have to do to accomplish that?

Matthew Theal: Absolutely. And if you’re in the accumulation phase, which is pretty much anybody who’s not retired, you’re going to want to actually see to see that you should be growing every year. If you’re spending your money or retired, you might actually see this start to go down. All right. Anything else?

Josh Winterswyk: No, I think we’re ready to move on to number eight. Create 2020 savings and spending plan.

Matthew Theal: All right, so now that we have an idea of what happened last year, we’ve done all of our kind of maximize 2019 tips. We’re going to start looking towards now those 2020 goals you created in step one. And what we want to do is create how much, your savings plan and your spending plan. One of the biggest rules of personal finance is to always pay yourself first. Most people have the opposite. When they start getting that check in, so they start making real money, 10, 15,000 a month, they start paying other people. Buy a big house, buy a boat, buy a car, and that money starts going out. That’s really opposite. What do you want to do first is pay yourself. So how much money do you want to have in your savings account? Is it 50,000, 100,000, whatever? Come up with how much per month you’re going to put away and automatically send it away from your track. That way you never touch it and you don’t spend it.

Josh Winterswyk: It’s such an easy concept, but such a big one. We’ve seen the most successful plans, or become more successful by just implementing simple auto saving techniques. You know, out of sight, out of mind. It’s living it. I’m paying myself first, like you said, and it’s just so impactful and it really benefits the plan in so many different ways.

Matthew Theal: Yeah, absolutely. And you also probably want to look at your retirement accounts here and see, “Hey, did I max out my retirement account last year? No, I didn’t. Why? Okay. Well maybe this year I’m going to try to max it out.”

Josh Winterswyk: And determining how you can do it. To a lot of people, increasing it to 19,000 might be a little bit intimidating at first. But if you’re taking all of these steps, especially by the end of the year, I think it’ll also make you feel more comfortable with increasing those savings percentages.

Matthew Theal: Right. And actually for me personally, I guess we’ll talk about my plan. I think that something that I want my wife and I to do next year is we’ve never fully maxed out our 401(k)s, but we don’t have really high expenses next year, so it’s probably good to start maxing them. And we are getting older.

Josh Winterswyk: And I think when the theme is increasing savings and the retirement savings, but like you said, throughout the year, things change and the plan can be adjusted. And just making sure you’re maximizing it at every stage of your life or through the year is just really important.

Matthew Theal: Absolutely. And then once you’ve paid yourself, you could start spending it. So then that’s where the spending planning comes in. So maybe buy a new car. Is that in the plans? When? Plan it out. I planned to buy my car for over a year.

Josh Winterswyk: Yeah, so did I.

Matthew Theal: New house, plan it out. I’ve been planning to buy a house for six years. I haven’t bought it.

Josh Winterswyk: Well, where you live is a little difficult.

Matthew Theal: It’s very expensive. But I mean, take those steps and start planning your big expenses. I think far too many people live on a whim with their expenses and they might see like a new housing development and they go buy it. I mean, buying a house isn’t hard. They’ll sell a house to anybody. They’ll sell a car to anybody. But actually plan it out for yourself.

Josh Winterswyk: Yeah. And putting yourself in the best situation to succeed for the future as well. Not just that satisfaction of buying something, but planning it out, setting dollar amounts to those, you know, that goal so you know when you’re ready to seize that opportunity, you’ll know that. And I think it just helps you prepare more for when that big purchase comes, because a house is probably one of the biggest purchases we’re going to make. Right?

Matthew Theal: Yeah. I think it is the biggest purchase they say you’ll make all your life. Anything left? Are we closing the shop?

Josh Winterswyk: No, I think that’s good. I think just on the spending too. I mean, it’s been a theme on our podcast as well, but after you’re taking these steps, I think that you can have a little bit more guilt-free spending if you’re taking these steps too. With all of that understanding of your net worth, your cashflow, your spending that you’re planning for for the end of the year, I think it creates a little bit more happiness as well because you’re going to have a little bit more of an idea of what you can spend guilt-free.

Matthew Theal: That’s a great point. And another big expense that we failed to mention is the vacations. A lot of people come to us and they say, “I want to retire. I want to take a big trip.” Well if you start planning for the big trip now, you could probably take it in a year. It’s not that hard to save for, and you could do it while you’re working if you can get the time off.

Josh Winterswyk: Yeah, absolutely. I think those are just really good tips for the eight tips we had for the end of the year. I think just one more, if we had something for only retirement listeners is make sure you take your RMD.

Matthew Theal: That’s a great one.

Josh Winterswyk: RMD is your required minimum distribution if you’re over 70 and a half years old and you have retirement accounts. So make sure you’re looking into that if you’re coming up to 70 and a half or you are 70 and a half. Just very important that you are taking your required minimum distribution before the end of the year. And again, there’s a lot of research online, or reach out to an advisor or your tax professional and making sure you’re taking those proper steps.

Matthew Theal: Yeah, absolutely. Great point. Can’t believe we forgot that for our retired listeners.

Josh Winterswyk: Yeah. And I just think that that’s something that we do help so much with, with our retirement listeners. But it’s very specific. You have to be over 70 and a half to have that problem. But it’s all good. We’ve touched it.

Matthew Theal: Great save, Josh.

Josh Winterswyk: Thank you. Thank you.

Matthew Theal: You’re coming in like your favorite U.S. men’s national team goalkeeper, Tim Howard.

Josh Winterswyk: Yeah. Which, it was his last season in the MLS. Pretty sad about that. So Tim Howard’s officially retired.

Matthew Theal: Now he’s doing TV on FS1, Right?

Josh Winterswyk: Yep.

Matthew Theal: Is it Champions that he does?

Josh Winterswyk: Yeah, actually, he does Champions League.

Matthew Theal: That’s pretty cool. Anything left?

Josh Winterswyk: No, no. I think we touched a lot of good end of your stuff.

Matthew Theal: Yeah, and I think for those who are looking for the recommendation section, which I know is really popular, I think we’re going to put it on pause for today’s episode and come back with our holiday guides that we publish online.

Josh Winterswyk: We have the holiday gift guide coming up, so we’re holding off the recommendations because we don’t want to burn any from the holiday gift guide.

Matthew Theal: Yeah, we want to save those for the holiday gift guide.

Josh Winterswyk: Okay. I’m excited for that. I’m going to have to think about this a little bit. Christmas is right here, man. It’s crazy how fast it went by.

Matthew Theal: I know. Well the wives do it too and Hayley’s been planning hers all year.

Josh Winterswyk: Really? Shit. Okay.

Matthew Theal: Not to put extra pressure on or tell Tiffany.

Josh Winterswyk: Yeah. Though I have to tell my wife that she’s going to need to bring her A game with the holiday gift guide this year. Hayley’s been doing her research.

Matthew Theal: Hayley’s ready to go. All right, well anything else?

Josh Winterswyk: No. That’s great.

Matthew Theal: All right, well let’s close this show. Thank you very much for listening to the Retirement Plan Playbook. You could find more about us by going to a retirementplanplaybook.com. We have a couple of free eBooks on there that you could read, or you could just reach out. But thank you for listening to the show, and have a great day.

Josh Winterswyk: Thank you.

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Announcer: RPA Wealth Management will provide Form ADV Part 2A firm brochure and 2B brochure supplement to interested parties upon request. Information provided on this podcast should not be construed as a solicitation or offer, or recommendation to acquire or dispose of any investment or engage in any other transaction. RPA Wealth Management does not render or offer to render personal investment advice or financial planning advice through its podcast. RPA Wealth Management podcasts are intended for information and educational purposes only.


Ep 14: The Mailbag Show


Ep 12: DIY Retirement Plan