What Is a CFP® and Where Do I Find One in Ontario, CA?

A CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ (CFP®) professional has been trained and certified to help people create and implement financial plans. If you are in Ontario, California, and need financial planning services, there are a few steps you can take to find a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional. This article discusses how a CFP® certificant could help you and how to find one in your area.


The CFP® mark is intended to signify that a financial advisor has the knowledge, skills, and experience to provide comprehensive financial planning to clients. To attain the CFP® mark, a financial planner must:

This highly recognized financial planning designation is granted by the CFP Board of Standards, Inc. The CFP Board is a professional organization that sets standards for financial planning and oversees the certification process. The level of training and certification that the board requires helps ensure that CFP® professionals are qualified to provide competent and ethical financial planning services to their clients.

Because CFP® professionals are trained to provide comprehensive planning, they can advise you on all of your financial areas. Planning can include developing a budget, saving for retirement, paying off debt, saving for your children’s or grandchildren’s college tuition, and achieving other financial goals. Financial advisors with the CFP® mark may also provide investment planning and management, tax planning, estate planning, and insurance review and recommendations. Many advisors will collaborate with your other professionals, such as an attorney, to help ensure your financial planning is implemented.

How to Find a CFP® Professional in Ontario, CA

Referrals can be a good way to find someone with a track record of providing high-quality financial services. Consider asking for recommendations from friends, family, and colleagues who have worked with financial advisors. You might also talk to professionals such as your estate planning attorney or accountant.

Another option is to visit the website of the CFP Board of Standards. On the CFP® Board’s website, you can use their Find a CFP® Professional tool to search for CFP® professionals in Ontario, California. This tool allows you to search by location, areas of expertise, and other criteria, so you can find a CFP® certificant who is well-suited to your specific needs.

You can also check with financial industry organizations that require members to have the CFP® certification, such as the Financial Planning Association (FPA) or the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors (NAPFA). These organizations allow you to search for members with the CFP® mark in your area.

When looking for an advisor with the CFP® designation, it’s essential to find someone who is a good fit for your needs. This means finding a CFP® professional who has experience working with clients in similar financial situations to yours. For example, our fee-only financial planning firm partners with individuals and couples getting ready to retire to help them turn their savings into retirement income.

It’s important to find a professional you feel comfortable working with and trust to provide you with sound financial advice. You can help determine this by scheduling an initial, complimentary call. You will share your concerns with the financial planner and discuss how they may be able to help you. This call is an opportune time to assess “fit”—whether you think you could work well together. The advisor will also explain the personal financial planning process if you decide to move forward together.

Our financial advisors work with clients to use their resources for a comfortable retirement. You can meet with us online, at our Ontario location, or at any of our other meeting sites. You can schedule a call here.

This material was prepared by Kaleido Inc. from information derived from sources believed to be accurate. This information should not be construed as investment, tax or legal advice.


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